One possible version
The next day, we decided to visit cousin Marcia. On our arrival, Ben gave her a warm hug. We thenstened as she recalled Juli over family albums. With eyes lingering on the photos, Ben remained quiet. Suddeny he spotted a sun-tanned, unfamiliar young Juli. Curious, he looked up at marcia. "Juli下列各句中.没有语病的一句是: [ ]A.李明德同志在担任营长.团长期间.多次被评为训练先进单位和后勤保障模范单位. B.日前.国土资源部公布了第二批通过规划审核的43个经济技术开发区名单. C.如果我所管的“闲 事能给群众带来哪怕一点点的幸福和快乐时.我也很幸福.很快乐. D.法律专家的看法是.消费者当众砸?题目和参考答案 loved sports before hebroke his legs in an accident. She explained. There came a long silence. Then marcia turnedd to ben, grabbedhis hands and smiled, "Ben, you brought laughter back to Julis life. You were his buddy, and a hero
.Before we left, Marcia told Ben that she had something special to give him. When Ben watched Marcia taking out a walking st根据语意.填入空白处最恰当的一项是 [ ] 余光中在接受采访时说:“一位作家笔下.如果只能驱遣白话文.那么他的文笔就只有一个`平面’.如果他的`文笔’里也有文言的墨水.在紧要关头.例如要求简洁.对仗.铿锵.隆重等等.就能召之即来.文言的功力可济白话的松散和浅露.一篇五千字的评论.换了有文言修养的人来写.也许三千字就够了.一篇文章到紧要关头.如能 题目和参考答案ick from a wooden case, he first looked surprised, then honored. It was a dark brown sticknot very old, but already showing wear and tear. Thanking marcia, he received the stick from her hands with abroad smile. Marcia's wrinkled face also blossomed into a smile. Then he took the stick in hand, supportinghimself with it the way that hed seen Juli do countless times. Proudly, Ben walked outside into the sunshine
下面这段文字的结论是从哪些方面推导出来的?请简要概括.不超过15 个字. 我国大陆海区处于宽广的大陆架上.海底地形平缓.近海水深大在处200 米以内.相对较浅.从地质构造上看.只有营口一郯城一庐江大断裂纵贯渤海.其余沿海地区很少有大断裂层和断裂带.也很少有岛弧和海沟.专家查阅相关资料发现.两千年来.我国仅发生过10 次地震海啸.因 阅读补出下列句子中的空缺部分.(1)文中陈述教师职责的句子是 .(2)文中陈述择师标准的句子是 .(3)文中阐述师生间辩证关系的句子是 . (4)句读之不知.惑之不解.或师焉.或不焉. .吾耒见其明也.版权声明