阅读下面的文字.完成下面的题. 邶风柏舟 泛彼柏舟①.亦泛其流.耿耿不寐.如有隐忧.微②我无酒.以敖以游. 我心匪③鉴.不可以茹.亦有兄弟.不可以据④.薄言往想.逢彼之怒. 我心匪石.不可转也.我心匪席.不可卷也.威仪⑤棣棣.不可选也. 忧心悄悄⑥.愠于群小.觏⑦闵⑧既多.受侮不少.静言思之.寤辟有揉. 日居月诸.胡迭而微⑨.心之忧矣.如匪浣衣⑩.回静言思之.?题目和参考答案2021-2022英语周报英语第7题答案
that she was leaving town and they wouldn t get to see her eachday, they decided to do something special to l补出下列名句名篇中的空缺 1. .清泉石上流. 2. .莲动下渔舟.(王维) 3. .不尽长江滚滚来. 4. .百年多病独登台. 题目和参考答案et her know howmuch she has meant to all of them over the years
One April morning, over four hundred students headed toTinney's house after school carrying signs, flowers, and othergoodies. When Tinney saw the hundreds of students gathered onher front lawn, she was delighted, clapping her hands and saying,"Oh, lovely, thank you
Paragraph I
Some of the teens had made her cards to thank her for herindness over the vears
在下面横线处.续写两句话. 兰因春而存在.而春也因有了兰的幽美.才多了些温煦.少了些清寒, 荷因夏而存在.而夏也因有了荷的淡雅.才多了些凉爽.少了些燥热,答: 下列字形有两个错别字的一项是 ( ) A.义不容辞 肆无忌惮 磬竹难书 B.蘖根祸胎 从中斡旋 用词妥帖 C.心旷神怡 发扬光大 合盘托出 D.模范事绩 箴默不语 草菅人命版权声明