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[db:作者] 高三试卷 2021-11-11 13:01:14 0 趣找答案



7. What can we infer from the last paragraph about playgrounds?
A. Kids often use weapons?
B. Disabled kids are always bullied?
C Rude language is common?
D Kids like to discuss words'meanings?

I held them in awe. My supervisors at Cambridge in the 50s were of the generation who had served in the war:codebreakers, that kind of ting. They were fiercely intelligent in a way my schoolteachers had not been. I was full of admiration and fear. It was why I had studied hard to be there, to meet the finest brains in the land But i was to learn a lesson.
Betty Behrens was formidable:tall, with long legs. She taught European history. In my first essay about the French Revolution, I poured out my soul I saw it as a new dawn of freedom and fulfilment such as Cambridge meant to me?
The essay came back untouched. I thought there must be some mistake. I had delivered it as required, on time, neatly handwritten. Now it lay on my table exactly as I had written it:no comments, no corrections of dates or names, nothing. My excitement disappeared, What of my beautiful writing had it been somehow overlooked?



