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[db:作者] 高三试卷 2021-11-30 06:07:07 0 趣找答案



22. Why did Sweden move Father's Day from June to November?
A. It wants people to spend more?
B. It can have more time to celebrate?
C. Norway observes it in November?
D.There're too many holidays in June

23. What do we know about Russia's Father's Day??
A. It falls on the same day as another holiday.?
B It affected Germany's Father's Day?
C. It has a 4-day celebration each year.
D. It was rooted in honoring soldiers?

B The COVID19 pandemic(新冠) has had one positive result:millions more Europeans have discovered the joy or cycling, Cycling is easy, says Tanja Jamnik. "Sitting on a bike. I feel very any here I want fro to the mountains or just around the village. "The 57-year-old accountant from Slovenia is convinced of the health benefits. "Cyclin great for the whole body And there are advantages for mental health. "If I cycle alone, I switch my mind off and all the bad things go out of it. If I cycle with a friend, we talk so much that it's like therapy



