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[db:作者] 高三试卷 2022-01-06 23:06:10 0 桂柳文化



29. Which of the following is an example of socially prescribed perfectionism?
A. You want to deliver a perfect speech?
B You expect to be undefeated in chess?
C. You wish to see your classmates give a perfect performance.
D. You believe your parents hold unrealistic expectations of you

30. What did the study discover?
A Perfectionism leads to growing competition?
B College students have falling levels of pressure?
C. Perfectionism is on the rise among college students.
D. People have lower expectations of college students

31.What's Thomas Curran,s attitude to perfectionism?
A. Uncaring.
B. Negative.
C. Approving?
D. Ambiguous?

D Recently, an employee asked me who I look up to. She mentioned everybody from Elon Mus to Jack Ma as examples of successful peop le who could be potential sources of inspiration response, I simply said, "I don't look up to any of them. This led my employee to ask me why, an I answered, "I don't know them well



