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[db:作者] 高三试卷 2022-01-29 06:14:04 0 阳光启学



26. Why did half the students raise their hands?
A. To give the author encouragement?
B. To show the author they would stay.
C. To express their worries about the course?
D. To volunteer to help the panic attacked student.

27. What is paragraph 4 mainly about?
A. The authors teaching skills?
B. The students' different needs?
C. The students' attitude toward the subject
D. The author s encouragement to the students

A 5. 300-year-old Chinese city that provides the earliest example of civilization in the country ha been named as China's latest UNFSCO World Heritage(遗产)Site. The Liangzhu Archaeological Site in Zhejiang Province was chosen as a"cultural site"at the UNESCO meeting in Baku, Azerbaijan bringing the total number of Chinese heritage sites to 55--passing Italy as the country with the largest umber in the



