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[db:作者] 高三试卷 2022-02-22 09:01:08 0 大联考·百校大联考



27Which of the following words can best describe Chase?
A Hone and me?
B. B C Strict and responsible.
D Ambitious and generous.

C Although there are plenty of flightless bird species on Earth the parlor roller pigeon(鸽子) is believed to be the only one selectively bred (养殖) by humans until it lost its capacity to take to the skies and developed a completely new and strange means of getting around--backflips(后空翻
Seeing a parlor roller pigeon roll on the ground, you would think it might go crazy, but in reality, the bird is rolling on the ground because it comes naturally to it. No one knows exactly how or when the breed was created, but experts and enthusiasts assume that its origin can be traced back to the mid-19th century when someone probably encountered a specimen with a slight tendency to roll on the ground and decided it was worth emphasizing via selective breeding. It is believed that over years of selective breeding, pigeons that rolled over long distances were obtained



