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2022届高考北京专家信息卷 高三年级月考仿真模拟卷(6)英语试题

[db:作者] 高三试卷 2022-02-26 13:00:44 0 北京专家

2022届高考北京专家信息卷 高三年级月考仿真模拟卷(6)英语试题,下面是2022届高考北京专家信息卷 高三年级月考仿真模拟卷(6)英语试题部分示例,验证如下:

2022届高考北京专家信息卷 高三年级月考仿真模拟卷(6)英语试题

Even when kids spend five hours a day on screen whether computers, television or text- it doesn't appear to be harmful. That's what my colleagues and I at the University of Colorado Boulder discovered after analyzing data taken from nearly 12, 000 participants in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study The participants included children between the ages of 9 to 10, from diverse backgrounds, income levels and ethnic groups. We investigated how screen time was linked to some of the most critical aspects of their lives:sleep, mental health, behavior and friendships Our results found no association between screens and a child,s depression or anxiety. Greater amounts of screen time were associated with stronger peer relationships for both boys and girls- both have more male and female friends. Social screen use may drive that association; video gaming, for instance, is a social activity that seems to foster more friendships

以上就是2022届高考北京专家信息卷 高三年级月考仿真模拟卷(6)英语试题的图片版和文字版资源验证,关注"趣找答案",获取更多"北京专家"资源


