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[db:作者] 高三试卷 2022-03-03 14:01:11 0 趣找答案



Last month was greeted by a rare heavy snowfall, after which the ground was coated with thick snow. Therefore, the outdoor physical exercise was forced to stop in our school. To better the situation, our class carried out an activity (labor) to clear snow the next day With much excitement we began to work under the guidance of our head teacher. Some strong boys volunteered to shovel snow, and some others grabbed the grooms to sweep away the remains of snow.
Shortly we were tired and sweaty, realizing that it was actually not as fun as we had expected. Suddenly a girl slipped and fell on the snow. Several students nearby hurried to help her up, asking her about the situation with great care. Knowing nothing serious, we went on to work with all might. With joint effort, we finally managed to remove the snow out of school using handcarts despite the freezing weather, all smiling with a sense of achievement Through the activity, not only did we experience the happiness of labor, but we understood the power of cooperation. What a meaningful activity!



