
1、听第7段材料回答第8至10题8.Whot docs the man want to do?A.Take another model.B.Get his money back.9.What can we know about P50?八.It is lc:1s expensive.B.It is very popular.10.How much is the former phone?A.1,500 yuan.B.6,000 yuan.听缔,8段材料回答第11至14 Im.11.Whot docs the man invite the woman to do?A.Wotch o movie.B.
2、Meet Dr Bill.12.Whot does the womnn think of Dr Bill work?A.Just so-so.B.Outstanding.13.What will the woman d。n Tucsdoy evening?A.Have a Lina)exam at sch。I.B.Have coffee with the man.C.Have her teeth examined.14.When will they meet at the cafc?A.At6:30.B.At7:00.听第9段材料回答绍:“至17 Im.15.Why does the woma
3、n meet the man?A.To deliver some furniture.B.To look at the apartment.C.To have a meal toge由er.16.What can we know from the c。nversation?A.Jhc night table is great.B.The cupboard is smoll.17.When will the speakers probably meet next time?A.In three days.B.ln two days.昕第1 0段材料,回答第18至20题。18.飞Nho is th
4、e founder of traditi。nnl Chinese painting?A.飞Nang Wei.B.Gu Kaizhi.19.What is the main feature of Hui-tsungs paintings?A.They were mostly about flowers and birds.B.They were pointed with a lot of ink,C.They were basicolly about particular persons.20.What will the执pcakcr probably talk about next?A.Som
5、e old Chinese paintings.B.Some。Id Western r.aintcrs.C.Some modern Chinese painters.第二部分阅读共两节,满分so分第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每周所纷的A,B、C、D四个选项中选出很佳选项A The world。wes some of its strangest structures to the masterminds of unconventional architects.Here,we list some most amazing,strangest building
6、s in the world.The Crooked House I Poland Shopping centre in downtown Sopot,the Crooked House is currently considered an architectural marvel.It was designed by Szotynscy who was inspired by the fairytolc paintings.This buLlding is a p。pular tourist spot with some restaurants,bars and shops.It has become the most photographed building in Poland due to its unique impression.饱密,t启用前20222023学年高三年级5月质量检测C.Have hi:;phone fixed.C.It ho靠been sold out.C.A.500 yuan.Z吾英C.Have dinner with him.C.The kitchen
1、听第7段材料回答第8至10题8.Whot docs the man want to do?A.Take another model.B.Get his money back.9.What can we know about P50?八.It is lc:1s expensive.B.It is very popular.10.How much is the former phone?A.1,500 yuan.B.6,000 yuan.听缔,8段材料回答第11至14 Im.11.Whot docs the man invite the woman to do?A.Wotch o movie.B.
2、Meet Dr Bill.12.Whot does the womnn think of Dr Bill work?A.Just so-so.B.Outstanding.13.What will the woman d。n Tucsdoy evening?A.Have a Lina)exam at sch。I.B.Have coffee with the man.C.Have her teeth examined.14.When will they meet at the cafc?A.At6:30.B.At7:00.听第9段材料回答绍:“至17 Im.15.Why does the woma
3、n meet the man?A.To deliver some furniture.B.To look at the apartment.C.To have a meal toge由er.16.What can we know from the c。nversation?A.Jhc night table is great.B.The cupboard is smoll.17.When will the speakers probably meet next time?A.In three days.B.ln two days.昕第1 0段材料,回答第18至20题。18.飞Nho is th
4、e founder of traditi。nnl Chinese painting?A.飞Nang Wei.B.Gu Kaizhi.19.What is the main feature of Hui-tsungs paintings?A.They were mostly about flowers and birds.B.They were pointed with a lot of ink,C.They were basicolly about particular persons.20.What will the执pcakcr probably talk about next?A.Som
5、e old Chinese paintings.B.Some。Id Western r.aintcrs.C.Some modern Chinese painters.第二部分阅读共两节,满分so分第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每周所纷的A,B、C、D四个选项中选出很佳选项A The world。wes some of its strangest structures to the masterminds of unconventional architects.Here,we list some most amazing,strangest building
6、s in the world.The Crooked House I Poland Shopping centre in downtown Sopot,the Crooked House is currently considered an architectural marvel.It was designed by Szotynscy who was inspired by the fairytolc paintings.This buLlding is a p。pular tourist spot with some restaurants,bars and shops.It has become the most photographed building in Poland due to its unique impression.饱密,t启用前20222023学年高三年级5月质量检测C.Have hi:;phone fixed.C.It ho靠been sold out.C.A.500 yuan.Z吾英C.Have dinner with him.C.The kitchen