
1、高考英语读后续写动作描写素材一、哭1.tears n.眼泪be in tears哭了burst into tears 放声大哭have tears in ones eyes 热泪盈眶;哭唧唧be close to tears 快哭了be filled with tears泪流满面be brimming with tears 泪流满面be wet with tears泪流满面be in floods of tears 大哭;泪如泉涌(超多眼泪)be chocked with tears 失声痛哭move sb. to tears使某人感动至流泪tears well up in ones eyes
2、 泪如泉涌(well up 涌起;涌出)mist n.薄雾; 水汽 vi.&vt. 泪水模糊ones eyes be misted with tears 某人双银因泪水而模糊His eyes(were) misted with tears.(mist作动词是既可以及物也可以不及物,所以加不加be动词都算对)blur vi.&vt. 使变得模糊不清Tears blurred his eyes.His eyes blurred with tears.be dimmed by tears眼睛因泪水而模糊leave sb to ones tears 让某人独自流泪He walked away indi
3、fferently and left me to my tears.他冷漠的走开了,独剩我一人空流泪。sb. melt into tears 某人开始泪流满面tears rolldown ones cheeks 眼泪从脸颊滑落tears streamdown ones cheeks 眼泪从脸颊滑落tears rundown ones cheeks 眼泪从脸颊滑落bring tears to somebodys eyes 哭了be on the verge of tears 快要哭了reduce sb.to tears 使某人流泪2.water v.眼含泪水make sb. water 让某人哭
4、起来have a lump in ones throatturn on the water worksHis eyes watered fromthick smoke.它的双眼因浓烟而充满泪水3.cry v.&n.哭泣cry ones eyes out痛哭不止have a good cry 好好哭一场4.weep v.&n.无声地流泪(通常因悲伤)began / start to weep uncontrollably 不由自主地哭起来have a weep 痛哭一场Sometimes you feel better after a good weep.有时候你痛痛快快哭上一场就会觉得好受些。
5、laugh and weepall at once 哭笑不得5.sob v.呜咽;啜泣;呜呜地哭start tosob uncontrollablysob ones heart out 痛彻心扉地哭The room was silent except for hersobbing.房间里静悄悄的,只有她的啜泣声。6.whimper 啜泣;呜咽She lay at the bottom of the stairs,whimpering in pain. 她躺在楼梯底部,痛得呜咽着。7.mewl /mjul/ v.低声啜泣The newborn baby ismewling in the Nursery.新生婴儿在育儿仓里低声哭着。8.snivel /snvl/ v.(令人厌烦的)哭诉;一把鼻涕一把泪的哭Billy started tosnivel. His mother smacked his hand. 比利抽抽搭搭地哭了起来。妈妈在他的手上打了一下。9.whine /wan/ v.哭哭啼啼;哭嚷I want to go home,whined Toby. “我要回家。”托比哼哼唧唧地说。10.squall /skwl/ v.嚎啕大哭;大声啼哭There was an infantsqualling in the back of the church. 有个婴儿在教堂后部
1、高考英语读后续写动作描写素材一、哭1.tears n.眼泪be in tears哭了burst into tears 放声大哭have tears in ones eyes 热泪盈眶;哭唧唧be close to tears 快哭了be filled with tears泪流满面be brimming with tears 泪流满面be wet with tears泪流满面be in floods of tears 大哭;泪如泉涌(超多眼泪)be chocked with tears 失声痛哭move sb. to tears使某人感动至流泪tears well up in ones eyes
2、 泪如泉涌(well up 涌起;涌出)mist n.薄雾; 水汽 vi.&vt. 泪水模糊ones eyes be misted with tears 某人双银因泪水而模糊His eyes(were) misted with tears.(mist作动词是既可以及物也可以不及物,所以加不加be动词都算对)blur vi.&vt. 使变得模糊不清Tears blurred his eyes.His eyes blurred with tears.be dimmed by tears眼睛因泪水而模糊leave sb to ones tears 让某人独自流泪He walked away indi
3、fferently and left me to my tears.他冷漠的走开了,独剩我一人空流泪。sb. melt into tears 某人开始泪流满面tears rolldown ones cheeks 眼泪从脸颊滑落tears streamdown ones cheeks 眼泪从脸颊滑落tears rundown ones cheeks 眼泪从脸颊滑落bring tears to somebodys eyes 哭了be on the verge of tears 快要哭了reduce sb.to tears 使某人流泪2.water v.眼含泪水make sb. water 让某人哭
4、起来have a lump in ones throatturn on the water worksHis eyes watered fromthick smoke.它的双眼因浓烟而充满泪水3.cry v.&n.哭泣cry ones eyes out痛哭不止have a good cry 好好哭一场4.weep v.&n.无声地流泪(通常因悲伤)began / start to weep uncontrollably 不由自主地哭起来have a weep 痛哭一场Sometimes you feel better after a good weep.有时候你痛痛快快哭上一场就会觉得好受些。
5、laugh and weepall at once 哭笑不得5.sob v.呜咽;啜泣;呜呜地哭start tosob uncontrollablysob ones heart out 痛彻心扉地哭The room was silent except for hersobbing.房间里静悄悄的,只有她的啜泣声。6.whimper 啜泣;呜咽She lay at the bottom of the stairs,whimpering in pain. 她躺在楼梯底部,痛得呜咽着。7.mewl /mjul/ v.低声啜泣The newborn baby ismewling in the Nursery.新生婴儿在育儿仓里低声哭着。8.snivel /snvl/ v.(令人厌烦的)哭诉;一把鼻涕一把泪的哭Billy started tosnivel. His mother smacked his hand. 比利抽抽搭搭地哭了起来。妈妈在他的手上打了一下。9.whine /wan/ v.哭哭啼啼;哭嚷I want to go home,whined Toby. “我要回家。”托比哼哼唧唧地说。10.squall /skwl/ v.嚎啕大哭;大声啼哭There was an infantsqualling in the back of the church. 有个婴儿在教堂后部