
1、C.Howeve1,you may feel like tackling several goals at once.D.Under the goal area,make a list of things you want to change.E.The frrst step to goal se忧ing is to have total belief that you can succeed.F.Befo1e you go to sleep at night,t1y closing you1 eyes and imagining you1 success.G.A pe1sonal devel
2、opment plan can help you reach the goals you have been d1eaming about.第二部分书面表达(共两节,32分)第一节(共4小题,第40、41题各2分,第42题3分,第43题5分,共12分)阅读下面短文根据题目要求用英文回答问题。请在答题卡指定区域作答。Sachin sta1ted a textile business.He invested all the money from his savings into the business.Also,he bo11owed some money f1om his f1iends an
3、d family.In the beginning,the p1ofit f1om his p1ojects was only sufficient to cove1 his basic expenses.But he maintained top quality fo1 all the delive1ies.He t1ied ve1y ha1d to get big p1ojects but could not get one.Not returning money to his friends and family membe1s in time,Sachin thought of sel
4、ling his textile business.One day he was sitting on a 臼rm and thinking.A fa1me1 asked him,“Why a1e you so upset?What is the p1oblem?”Sachin replied his business was not giving 1eturns as he thought.So,he was thinking of selling it off as it was not wo1th pu1suing anymo1e.Hearing his who le story,the
5、 fa1mer took him to his fa1m.He showed him a mango t1ee and a bamboo t1ee.He said,“I planted both the t1ees at the same time and nu1tu1ed them with the same things they needed.Afte1 the fnst two yea1s,the mango t1ee g1ew to a ce1tain height.But the1e we1e no signs of growth in the bamboo.It continue
6、d fo1 the th让d and fou1th yea1s.In the fifth year,the mango t1ee sta1ted p1oducing企uits.Still,there we1e no signs in the bamboo.However,afte1 a week,the1e was a sign of growth in the bamboo t1ee.Then within six weeks,the t1ee g1ew to 100 feet.Then I 1ealized,in the fnst fou1 yea1s,it was developing its root deep unde1g1ound fo1 a base strong enough to suppo1t its outside g1owth.So,the same p1inciple applies to you1 business as well.Wait for your time and neve1 give up.”After hea1ing this sto1y,S
1、C.Howeve1,you may feel like tackling several goals at once.D.Under the goal area,make a list of things you want to change.E.The frrst step to goal se忧ing is to have total belief that you can succeed.F.Befo1e you go to sleep at night,t1y closing you1 eyes and imagining you1 success.G.A pe1sonal devel
2、opment plan can help you reach the goals you have been d1eaming about.第二部分书面表达(共两节,32分)第一节(共4小题,第40、41题各2分,第42题3分,第43题5分,共12分)阅读下面短文根据题目要求用英文回答问题。请在答题卡指定区域作答。Sachin sta1ted a textile business.He invested all the money from his savings into the business.Also,he bo11owed some money f1om his f1iends an
3、d family.In the beginning,the p1ofit f1om his p1ojects was only sufficient to cove1 his basic expenses.But he maintained top quality fo1 all the delive1ies.He t1ied ve1y ha1d to get big p1ojects but could not get one.Not returning money to his friends and family membe1s in time,Sachin thought of sel
4、ling his textile business.One day he was sitting on a 臼rm and thinking.A fa1me1 asked him,“Why a1e you so upset?What is the p1oblem?”Sachin replied his business was not giving 1eturns as he thought.So,he was thinking of selling it off as it was not wo1th pu1suing anymo1e.Hearing his who le story,the
5、 fa1mer took him to his fa1m.He showed him a mango t1ee and a bamboo t1ee.He said,“I planted both the t1ees at the same time and nu1tu1ed them with the same things they needed.Afte1 the fnst two yea1s,the mango t1ee g1ew to a ce1tain height.But the1e we1e no signs of growth in the bamboo.It continue
6、d fo1 the th让d and fou1th yea1s.In the fifth year,the mango t1ee sta1ted p1oducing企uits.Still,there we1e no signs in the bamboo.However,afte1 a week,the1e was a sign of growth in the bamboo t1ee.Then within six weeks,the t1ee g1ew to 100 feet.Then I 1ealized,in the fnst fou1 yea1s,it was developing its root deep unde1g1ound fo1 a base strong enough to suppo1t its outside g1owth.So,the same p1inciple applies to you1 business as well.Wait for your time and neve1 give up.”After hea1ing this sto1y,S