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[db:作者] 高三试卷 2023-07-12 14:03:59 0 2022 2023 学年 北京市 海淀区 期末 英语试题



1、第三部分t阅读理解(共两节430分)第一节(共10小题;每小题2分共20分)阅读下列短文从句题所给的A.R、C、D阴个选项中选:I:fi毛tt边叫并在芥I.!卡j;向i.If涂黑。Our teen flel巧飞、orkshops at Poets How-e are opp回unities化r wnltn.in ltif!h吕hnul lo rrtllh、111dexplore poetry in one of the largt:-1 p耐 lilimri臼in the co1111t可.Young poet当川、在in:.11 a rhn11付to cli into the art and

2、 cm.Ii of poc-1巧in a fun.treativc and in.,piring environment.Online Video Work.shops Join Dave Johnson 飞飞orkshop lo write clnily new poems in only 10 rni011tes.Clfrk the hanner for two i;tri件。f vicle rir work.lhen a short biography and reads nn aclclitio,rnl p(lcm.These workshops are fun and surpris

3、ing.for letns 1hro11gh adults,fi仲俨The Thompson Foundation Initiative The highlight of our lL-,isit hi京h school classrooms foUowed by free follo1,-up rlnss visits to Poi-:ts House.Recent teache陀have included Dave Johnson.Jive Poetic.and Mahog1rny Rmwne.This initintiP is meant to incw.Ase acctss tor、o

4、tLic tduc:.1tion for 11ndP.阳P.n.P.xlensive libra.Studrul且eng:i川飞、i山P伺盯through reading.writing.and art projects that integrate the叫sual and lingiistic.Lf you arf a tearhN intP-res:;tecl in this progmm,please reach 0111 to Rt-ggir.Harris to ammg寇stssio1i for your class.Free rl且ss trips for all age lev

5、els a陀also available outside of this program.lntenshc飞Norkshops for Teens idvanced,individualized study is available periodically for stuclenls who wnnt to continue writing poetry,through either our day-long or week-long intcnsic workshops.One-day workshops:Participation is free.AU interested teens

6、a陀tncoumged to sign up.Week-long workshops:Partiipants are determintd through nn application process and anexternal judge:all intere,-ted high school sturltnl!.ore P.l!Couragtd to apply.Financial Rid is u旧lable.39.Teens can get to know one poet on a daily hasis in 一一一.A.ave Johnson飞,VorkshopB.the Thompson Foundation InitiativeC.Jive P肥tic WorkshopD.lntensiv伫Workshops for reens40.In the.Thompson Foundation lnitinti,飞sh1denls can 一一一一A.contact Reggie Harris to attend class tripsB.visit Poet吕House


1、第三部分t阅读理解(共两节430分)第一节(共10小题;每小题2分共20分)阅读下列短文从句题所给的A.R、C、D阴个选项中选:I:fi毛tt边叫并在芥I.!卡j;向i.If涂黑。Our teen flel巧飞、orkshops at Poets How-e are opp回unities化r wnltn.in ltif!h吕hnul lo rrtllh、111dexplore poetry in one of the largt:-1 p耐 lilimri臼in the co1111t可.Young poet当川、在in:.11 a rhn11付to cli into the art and

2、 cm.Ii of poc-1巧in a fun.treativc and in.,piring environment.Online Video Work.shops Join Dave Johnson 飞飞orkshop lo write clnily new poems in only 10 rni011tes.Clfrk the hanner for two i;tri件。f vicle rir work.lhen a short biography and reads nn aclclitio,rnl p(lcm.These workshops are fun and surpris

3、ing.for letns 1hro11gh adults,fi仲俨The Thompson Foundation Initiative The highlight of our lL-,isit hi京h school classrooms foUowed by free follo1,-up rlnss visits to Poi-:ts House.Recent teache陀have included Dave Johnson.Jive Poetic.and Mahog1rny Rmwne.This initintiP is meant to incw.Ase acctss tor、o

4、tLic tduc:.1tion for 11ndP.阳P.n.P.xlensive libra.Studrul且eng:i川飞、i山P伺盯through reading.writing.and art projects that integrate the叫sual and lingiistic.Lf you arf a tearhN intP-res:;tecl in this progmm,please reach 0111 to Rt-ggir.Harris to ammg寇stssio1i for your class.Free rl且ss trips for all age lev

5、els a陀also available outside of this program.lntenshc飞Norkshops for Teens idvanced,individualized study is available periodically for stuclenls who wnnt to continue writing poetry,through either our day-long or week-long intcnsic workshops.One-day workshops:Participation is free.AU interested teens

6、a陀tncoumged to sign up.Week-long workshops:Partiipants are determintd through nn application process and anexternal judge:all intere,-ted high school sturltnl!.ore P.l!Couragtd to apply.Financial Rid is u旧lable.39.Teens can get to know one poet on a daily hasis in 一一一.A.ave Johnson飞,VorkshopB.the Thompson Foundation InitiativeC.Jive P肥tic WorkshopD.lntensiv伫Workshops for reens40.In the.Thompson Foundation lnitinti,飞sh1denls can 一一一一A.contact Reggie Harris to attend class tripsB.visit Poet吕House


