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1、高中英语必修一话题作文素材与练习Unit1 青少年学校生活【词汇】fluent adj.(尤指外语)流利的;熟练的graduate vi.& vt.毕业;获得学位n.毕业生recommend vt.建议;推荐;介绍sigh_up_(for_sth.) 报名(参加课程)advanced adj.高级的;高等的;先进的advance n.& vi.前进;发展vt.发展;促进literature n.文学,文学作品responsible adj.负责的;有责任的responsibility n.责任;义务be_responsible_for 对负责【短语】1.workhard at.努力学习2.tu

2、rnto the teachers for help向老师求助3.learn.byheart/keep.in mind记住4.takepart in voluntary labor参加义务劳动5.beabsorbed in/be buried in 专心于6.listento the teachers attentively in class 上课认真听讲7.majorin.主修 8.havelessons上课9.liveup to ones hope 不辜负某人的期望10.preparefor/preview lessons预习功课11.takeexercise 锻炼身体 12.takeno

3、tes 做笔记13.bewell prepared for the test 为考试做好准备14.after-schoolactivities课外活动 15.themethod of learning 学习方法16.increase the pleasure of life 增加生活乐趣17.reviewwhat you have learned 复习已学知识18.referto the reference books 查阅参考书19.loseinterest in 对.失去兴趣 20.broadenones horizons开拓视野21.enlargeones vocabulary 扩大词汇

4、量 22.laya good foundation for为.打下良好的基础【句式】1.To everyones astonishment, he was admitted into Beijing University.令所有人吃惊的是,他被北京大学录取了。2.Once a decision is reached, it must be firmly carried out.一旦做出决定,就应当坚决执行。3.I prefer to fail rather than cheat in the exam.我宁愿考不及格,也不愿意考试作弊。4.It must be noted that learn

5、ing must be done by a person himself.必须指出学习只能靠自己。5.Not only did he learn English well but also he spoke French fluently.他不但英语学得好,而且法语也讲得很流利。6.The students are expected to work hard and observe school rules and regulations.学校期望学生努力学习,遵守学校的规章制度。7.When you are faced with difficulty, never lose heart/gi

6、ve up.面临困难时,千万不要灰心。8.His effort of decades began to pay off.He came to be well-known for his teaching.他几十年的努力终于得到了回报他的教学开始使他有了名气。9.Not having had his homework finished, he didnt go out to play football.没有完成作业,他没出去踢足球。10.It was she who first introduced the pleasure of reading to me.是她第一次让我尝到了读书的乐趣。11.Working with teachers enables the students to learn a


1、高中英语必修一话题作文素材与练习Unit1 青少年学校生活【词汇】fluent adj.(尤指外语)流利的;熟练的graduate vi.& vt.毕业;获得学位n.毕业生recommend vt.建议;推荐;介绍sigh_up_(for_sth.) 报名(参加课程)advanced adj.高级的;高等的;先进的advance n.& vi.前进;发展vt.发展;促进literature n.文学,文学作品responsible adj.负责的;有责任的responsibility n.责任;义务be_responsible_for 对负责【短语】1.workhard at.努力学习2.tu

2、rnto the teachers for help向老师求助3.learn.byheart/keep.in mind记住4.takepart in voluntary labor参加义务劳动5.beabsorbed in/be buried in 专心于6.listento the teachers attentively in class 上课认真听讲7.majorin.主修 8.havelessons上课9.liveup to ones hope 不辜负某人的期望10.preparefor/preview lessons预习功课11.takeexercise 锻炼身体 12.takeno

3、tes 做笔记13.bewell prepared for the test 为考试做好准备14.after-schoolactivities课外活动 15.themethod of learning 学习方法16.increase the pleasure of life 增加生活乐趣17.reviewwhat you have learned 复习已学知识18.referto the reference books 查阅参考书19.loseinterest in 对.失去兴趣 20.broadenones horizons开拓视野21.enlargeones vocabulary 扩大词汇

4、量 22.laya good foundation for为.打下良好的基础【句式】1.To everyones astonishment, he was admitted into Beijing University.令所有人吃惊的是,他被北京大学录取了。2.Once a decision is reached, it must be firmly carried out.一旦做出决定,就应当坚决执行。3.I prefer to fail rather than cheat in the exam.我宁愿考不及格,也不愿意考试作弊。4.It must be noted that learn

5、ing must be done by a person himself.必须指出学习只能靠自己。5.Not only did he learn English well but also he spoke French fluently.他不但英语学得好,而且法语也讲得很流利。6.The students are expected to work hard and observe school rules and regulations.学校期望学生努力学习,遵守学校的规章制度。7.When you are faced with difficulty, never lose heart/gi

6、ve up.面临困难时,千万不要灰心。8.His effort of decades began to pay off.He came to be well-known for his teaching.他几十年的努力终于得到了回报他的教学开始使他有了名气。9.Not having had his homework finished, he didnt go out to play football.没有完成作业,他没出去踢足球。10.It was she who first introduced the pleasure of reading to me.是她第一次让我尝到了读书的乐趣。11.Working with teachers enables the students to learn a


