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人教新课标高一英语选修四 Unit 1 基础练习题 含答案

高三试卷 2020-02-01 22:05:07 0
人教新课标高一英语选修四 Unit 1 基础练习题 含答案,扫描并关注下面的二维码,获取相关答案!

人教新课标高一英语选修四 Unit 1 基础练习题 I. 用括号内单词的正确形式填空。 1. In case of ________ (emergent), press the alarm button. 2. She is brilliant but her work lacks ________ (organize). 3. Art classes help develop children’s powers of ________ (observe). 4. The symptoms of this disease are fever and ________ (sick). 5. She complained of her boss’s inappropriate ________ (behave) towards her. 6. As we climbed the final few meters, we felt a sense of ________ (achieve). 7. Students often see little ________ (connect) between school and the rest of their lives. 8. Could you turn your music down and show a little ________ (considerate) for the neighbors? II. 用适当的介词填空。 1. I don’t want to argue ________ you — just do it! 2. Quite ________ chance, she came up with a brilliantly simple solution. 3. He even made some


