课时unit2.2 Learning about Language-2019-2020学年2月高二英语学同步【自学课时练】人教版

Unit 2 Robots 第2节 Learning about Language 一、单词拼写 1. He got up a strange________ (感情)for the little girl. 2. Looking at a beautiful painting always gives one________(满足). 3. Their business has failed and is in the hands of the________(接收人). 4. This room has an________(优雅的)atmosphere with these furniture. 5. How________(雄伟的)the mountains look in the early evening! 6. A teacher should not________(偏爱)any of his pupils. 7. ________(说出) your name and address. 8. He put________( 压缩包中的资料: 课时unit2.2 Learning about Language(汇总版)-2019-2020年2月高二英语同步【自课时练】人教版(选修7).doc 课时unit2.2 Learning about Language(原卷版)-2019-2020年2月高二英语同步【自课时练】人教版(选修7).doc