第二节审题指导》首先了解本文的主旨大意:作者回忆了曾在身体及心理上拯救过她的人—May次整理续写思路:根据文章内容及开头两段可知,第一段应該描述作者见到May时的惰譞;第二段应该徜遽今年作者在Mary家庆祝感恩节的经历需要注意的是报据第二段开头语,第一段的末尾需要点出Mar邀请作者一起度过今年的感恩节;最后应注意写作风格,即动作、心理和情感等细节的描写,可尝试使用名诃、动闷、形容词、从勺以及非谓语动词等来刻画人物的心理、神态以及环境氛国,并且要注意运用恰当的代词、逻衔接词把句于连接在起,以构成一篇完整的文章参考范文】It had been one year since I last saw Mary. It took a minute forMary to recognize me when I tapped her on the shoulder. We wereboth wearing surgical masks, shower caps and gloves. But Mary knewmy eyes. Wrinkles of joy gathered around hers when I told her aboutmy baby. Yes, I had become a mother. I wanted her to know about it.Before she turned back to her task, Mary invited me to her house. Foit was the perfecl solution to my Thanksgiving dilemma.By the time we arrived on Thanksgiving Day, Mary's home hadalready been packed with her friends and relatives. She walked me toher garage to show us the feast she had prepared. On two foldingtables she'd laid out trays of many kinds of delicious food. My son wascurious and ready for his first Thanksgiving feast. It was a perfectThanksgiving; the sort I couldn 't have imagined for my son inadvance. We had much to be thankful for, including the generous andwarm-hearted woman who helped ensure I was alive to celebrate亮点评析》首先,续写部分和原文及首句的融合度较高,第一段结尾表明Mary邀请作者一起过今年的感思节,呼应了第二段开头,衔接合理恰当。第二,内容较丰富,第一段中的 Wrinkles of joygathered around hers使重逢的喜悦极具画面感;第二段中的Omtwo folding tables she'd laid out trays of many kinds of delicious food使得盛宴画面跃然纸上。另外,作者在最后一段表达了对Mary的感澈之情,点明了文章的主旨。第三,本文语法和词汇使用准确。在词汇和语法的丰窗性上,作者使用了 recognize, Wrinklesof joy, curious, in advance, thankful, generous, warm-hearted F 1](組);在语法结构上作者使用了状语从句 when I tapped her onthe shoulder,定语从句 who helped ensure I was alive to celebratethe day等,体现了作者较高的语言运用水平。最后,在连贯性方面,作者使用了But, Before等连接词,使得文章层次分明,逻辑清楚。
用一句话概括下面一段文字的主要意思. 我们的宇宙是和谐有序的.宇宙中的每一颗星.都不是可有可无的.我们的散文中.每一个字.词.也应当不是可有可无的.星体之间有宇宙微粒充当填充物.文章字词间也须有填充物--韵味.意境--这是比字词本身含意深更难以言传的东西.无具体形象而真实存在的.类似晴空下笼盖在树木河流上空的淡紫色烟霞的东西. 题目和参考答案版权声明