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[db:作者] 高三试卷 2021-01-17 16:01:25 0



短文改错I have got a new friend. She is a little brown dog, and his name is Pear. Isetin Zhongshan Park on my way home. She looked dirt when I found her. I wanted totouch for her, but she was very afraid of me. So I ran back home A take some food. Ionly found two pears, so I peeled them and cut them into small piece. I was very surprised that she liked the fruit very much. But I decided to give her the name, PearNow looking at her! She has been with us in a week. She feels exciting to play wlookexcitedeveryone in my Family.

下列各组词语中.有两个错别字的一组是 A.袒护 忽悠 小瘪三 一蹴而就 自抱自弃 B.倾圮 克扣 促狭鬼 前倨后恭 家长里短 C.泥淖 调函 瞎喳呼 困兽尤斗 计日成功 D.芥蒂 卷轶 掉嗓子 舌敝唇焦 如丧考妣 题目和参考答案

