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[db:作者] 高三试卷 2021-01-29 00:04:37 0



第二节One possible version:That a fternoon Dad took him to a barber shop. He reluctantly sat down on the barbers chair wearing a long face. He loved hislong hair, and took good care of it. Every day he would wash it and brush it many times. Johnny felt so cool with his long hair. Itmade him look like a rock star, and Johnny really did not want to have his hair cut anytime soon.While in high school, Johnny aluuys had short hair. Although it did not look unappealing, he was not too fond of his short hair,and desired to grow it out one day. He made a promise to himself to do so after graduation and had gone through with his promise. Hebegan growing it after high school. He thought that it was the best decision he had ever made

阅读下面这首元曲.然后回答问题. [中吕]朝天子·秋夜客怀 周德清① 月光.桂香.趁着风飘荡.砧声催动一天霜.过雁声嘹亮.叫起离情.敲残愁况.梦家山.身异乡.夜凉.枕凉.不许离人强. [注]①周德清.字挺斋.高安人.工乐府.善音律.著有.是我国音韵学力著.其散曲现存小令三十一首.套数三套. (1)“月光.桂香.趁着风飘荡 描绘了怎样的一幅画面?有什么作用? . (2)试分?题目和参考答案

