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[db:作者] 文档 2023-12-04 01:34:46 0 广西2023年秋季期高二年级六校联考x






16.What does the woman regret about her volunteering work?A.The lack of pay.B.The long working hours.C.The inability to adopt all the pets.17.What will the man probably do next?A.Buy a dog. B.Talk to his roommate.C.Contact a shelter near him.


realize their presence, whether he is 49 or nobody.____At work, I always used to say hello to the 50 of the company and ask him how our 5 was doing.But I was also speaking to the people in the cafe and the people who 52 the buildings, and asked how their________children were doing. One day, I asked the founder how 53 he thought I could go in his company. He said.________“If you want to. you can get all the 54 to this seat.”Now I've become vice president, but my mo the's advice is still in my heart. I have 55 a lot fromopening my mouth and say. "Hello."41. A.happened B.continued C.pretended D.stopped42. A.caught B.kicked C.threw D.broke43. A.anything B.everything C.something D.nothing44. A .last B.next C.first D.late45. A.even B.never C.ever D.still46. A.square B.campus C.street D.platform47. A.proverb B.declaration C.regulation D.phrase48. A.refuses B.deserves C.promise D.rejects49. A.everyone B.anyone C.somebody D.everybody50. A.workmate B.servant C.waiter D.founder51. A.education B.housework C.business D.government52. A.cleaned B.destroyed C.bought D.managed53. A.often B.long C.far D.fast54. A.time B.way C.while D.method55. A.applied B.enquired C.benefited D.purchased


