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安徽省十联考 合肥一中2024届高三第二次教学质量检测(243174D)英语x

安徽省十联考 合肥一中2024届高三第二次教学质量检测(243174D)英语x试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于安徽省十联考 合肥一中2024届高三第二次教学质量检测(243174D)英语x得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


安徽省十联考 合肥一中2024届高三第二次教学质量检测(243174D)英语x试卷答案


安徽省十联考 合肥一中2024届高三第二次教学质量检测(243174D)英语x

Harold remembered me telling of these 44, but he held the 45 that I couldsuccessfully make fudge for him. Since he eagerly wanted it, I 46 andItried my best tomake it.I followed the 47 step by step, which told me to“continue stirring the cookedmixture until it turns white and shiny. I 48 stirring it. And then something 49happened. I felt the fudge start to harden.“This is just the 50 moment, ”I thought.stopped stirring immediately and poured it into a big plate. How happy!The fudge came out51 for the first time!As I presented the perfectly crafted fudge to Harold, his eyes sparkled with 52 and awave of pride 53 me. It dawned on me that life is about a series of challenges and, moreimportantly, opportunities for 54. It's about embracing the unknown and believing inoneself even when past experiences may suggest otherwise. Harold's simple 55 hadbecome a catalyst(催化剂) for personal growth and overcoming my own limitations.41.A.colour B.gift C.plan D.game42.A.did B.witnessed C.bought D.considered43.A.stick B.pie C.candy D.soup44.A.changes B.failures C.thrills D.hardships45.A.fact B.reason C.belief D.theory46.A.complained B.resisted C.persisted D.agreed47.A.story B.recipe C.grandson D.thought

安徽省十联考 合肥一中2024届高三第二次教学质量检测(243174D)英语x

6.How will the woman give the lucky money to William?A.She'll send it on We Chat.B.She'll give him a red envelope.C.She'll send it to his US account.


