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[db:作者] 文档 2023-12-11 20:51:09 0 黑龙江省2023-2024学年高三12月月考x






5.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. Their apartments.B.Their roommates. C.Their sleep problems


Ⅵ.完形填空(共20.题;答小题1分;满分20分)阅读下列短文、 小题所给的A、B、CD四个选项中选出可以真,查白处的最佳选项,AEveryone needs a home, but sometime it’s difficul: un. a right one in Luxembourg.The price of a house is often pretty high,31th . to rent(租) a place to live in Imakes it much 32 for families to save mon..A group called Habitat for Huma 3 to give homes to poor families.Habitat for Humanity’s work is the stee as 34 name. This team works withfamilies to help them build homes 35.Habitat for Humanity is made up of people who work for free and it can provide(提供) a lot of free 36 for the families. Each kind person is a 37of this biggroup. The group 38 some families and helps them build homes. Before thefamilies get help to build their own homes, they must help build home s 39 otherfamilies.Habitat for Humanity builds homes in many countries. It is 40 as a symbol toshow love all around the world. And more and more people want to join the group tohelp those poor families.831. A. or B.but C.because D.so( 32. A. later B.closerC. easier D.earlier33. A. tries B. wants C. thinks D.happens( 34. A. those B. these C.his D. its( )335. A. expensivelyB. cheaply C. differently D. slowly36. A. service B. places C.characters D.prizes


