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九师联盟 2023~2024学年高三核心模拟卷(中)(六)6英语x

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九师联盟 2023~2024学年高三核心模拟卷(中)(六)6英语x试卷答案


九师联盟 2023~2024学年高三核心模拟卷(中)(六)6英语x

The milkman continued, “I have to get up at 4 o'clock every day.First, I need to clean the____waste on the farm.The nI need to 48 the legs of the cows and start to milk them.After that,________I have to try my best to 49 the milk.”Hearing this, the son was 50 , and he____________decided to go to the 51 to help his dad.________Yes, what one 52 is from what one does. Happiness is the result of efforts.A cowdoesn't give milk on its own, and neither do all the things that one 53 to have. Thus one____has to work hard to get whatever he needs, and it can leadto new 54 in life, and one________maybe 55 one day.41.A.lonely B.proud C.friendly D.rich42.A.praise B.influence C.invite D.save43.A.relief B.confidence C.surprise D.comfort44.A.safely B.seriously C.equally D.naturally45.A.stop B.keep C.enjoy D.mind46.A.workers B.village C.family D.tourists47.A.inspiration B.happiness C.friendship D.freedom48.A.control B.mark C.examine D.treat49.A.check B.drop C.drink D.sell50.A.annoyed B.worried C.touched D.satisfied51.A.park B.farm C.forest D.camp52.A.receives B.pays C.cares D.misses53.A.fails B.desires C.happens D.refuses54.A.troubles B.requests C.experiences D.comments55.A.left B.recommended C.ordered D.rewarded

九师联盟 2023~2024学年高三核心模拟卷(中)(六)6英语x

D. It helps achieve a completely blank state of mind.33. According to Julia Kam, why does someone respond with“respond with“nothing”when asked what they'rethinking about?A. They have achieved a blank state of mind.B.They're spellbound by something specific.C.They intend to hide their thoughts from others.D.They're unaware that they are having thoughts.


