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神州智达 2023-2024高三省级联测考试 质检卷Ⅱ(三)英语x

神州智达 2023-2024高三省级联测考试 质检卷Ⅱ(三)英语x试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于神州智达 2023-2024高三省级联测考试 质检卷Ⅱ(三)英语x得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


神州智达 2023-2024高三省级联测考试 质检卷Ⅱ(三)英语x试卷答案


神州智达 2023-2024高三省级联测考试 质检卷Ⅱ(三)英语x

30. According to the text, West Virginia was known for .____A. chemical products B.coal industryC. commercial farmingD.beekeeping

神州智达 2023-2024高三省级联测考试 质检卷Ⅱ(三)英语x

阅读下面短文,在空白处填人1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Kun qu Opera(昆曲) is one of the oldest forms of opera. It makes a 56 (contribute) to________other forms of opera in the country, 57 (include) Sichuan and Beijing operas. Kun qu58 (experience) several stages of change over the past hundreds of years. It was originallymade up of long and short lines, with a singer singing solo and the orchestra coming in at theend of each line. During the Ming Dynasty, it became smoother and more graceful, withperformers focusing 59 how clearly they sang lines. The 60(song) were written in____seven-character or ten-character lines. This differs greatly from the opera's emphasis duringthe Yuan Dynasty, 61 only percussions(打击乐器) were used in the chorus. In the stylethat developed during the Ming Dynasty, more musical instruments such as bamboo flutes and


