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[db:作者] 文档 2024-01-12 03:20:09 0 安徽省2024届九年级1月期末考试x






7.What does Lucy suggest the man do?A.Download an app. B.Hang out with his friend.C.Dine out in a restaurant.


第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的:A、B、 .和D.四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。One afternoon years ago, when my family were walking into an ice cream shop, I sawan oldwoman sitting outside the shop with 41 clothes. Minutes later, she struggled to42 and walked, but it seemed quite 43 , her legs shaking and her e yes showingdeep sorrow.I didn't 44 an ice cream, iso I watched her while my family went in. Her 45were weak.I came to her with a 10-dollar note and 46 it to her. Receiving the money,she was 47 and started blessing me instantly.____I talked with her. I asked her about her 48. She said there was no ne and all ofthem had died with tears in her e yes.“Where does she live?”I 49 myself. The answerwas quite 50.I noticed her:“luggage” two plastic bags, contain ng her belongings. Igave her my 51 stole(披肩) .It was bright yellow and new.____But she was worried about my feeling cold:I insisted and she finally 52 the stoleand put it on. She blessed, me even more..I kept giving her things:I thought s he could use.I saw the change in her. At that time, she seemed calm and v 3. And so did I.Her look of hopelessness was 54 . She looked at people with more . I________realized my small act of kindness had made a-big difference on this poor lady.41. A. thick B.old C.small D.big42.A. stand up B.stand out C.get out D.get over43. A. funny B.interestingC.attractive D.tough44. A. serve B.make C.need D.taste45. A. hands B.legs C.ears D.eyes46. A.threw B.delivered C.pushed D.gave


