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[db:作者] 文档 2024-01-23 22:01:19 0


1、高考英语写作高级短语一、immerse oneself in 全神贯注于,专心于短语 immerse oneself in 表示全身心投入或沉浸于某种活动、领域或经验中,强调深度参与和专注。在学生学习与生活、中国传统文化习俗、中国科技等方面,可以用这个短语来描述深度参与和投入的状态。【同义词】21.Engage in2.Submerge in3.Plunge into4.Absorb in5.Drench in6.Steep in7.Immerse oneself in8.Soak in9.Bury oneself in10.Occupy oneself with11.Envelop in12

2、.Embed in13.Indulge in14.Lose oneself in15.Bask in16.Involve in17.Concentrate on18.Surround oneself with19.Enthrall in20.Bathe in【经典例句】1.Sarah loves to immerse herself in books, exploring different worlds through the pages. 萨拉喜欢沉浸在书籍中,透过书页探索不同的世界。2.In the realm of science, students are encouraged to

3、 immerse themselves in hands-on experiments to deepen their understanding. 在科学领域,鼓励学生沉浸在实验中,加深他们的理解。3.Exploring traditional Chinese calligraphy allows students to immerse in the beauty of intricate brushstrokes. 探索中国传统书法让学生沉浸在繁复的笔画之美中。4.Immerse yourself in the vibrant colors of traditional Chinese f

4、estivals to experience the joy of cultural celebrations. 沉浸在中国传统节日的绚丽色彩中,体验文化庆祝的喜悦。5.When it comes to learning programming, students can immerse in coding challenges to enhance their problem-solving skills. 谈到学习编程,学生可以沉浸在编码挑战中,提高他们的问题解决能力。6.In the world of mathematics, immerse yourself in solving co

5、mplex equations to unlock the beauty of numerical patterns. 在数学的世界里,沉浸在解决复杂方程中,揭示数字模式之美。7.Immersing in Chinese tea culture allows students to appreciate the art of brewing and savoring different tea varieties. 沉浸在中国茶文化中,学生可以欣赏冲泡和品味不同茶叶的艺术。8.Dive into the wonders of astronomy to immerse in the myster

6、ies of the universe and celestial bodies. 深入探讨天文学,沉浸在宇宙和天体的奥秘中。9.Students are encouraged to immerse themselves in community service projects to make a positive impact on society. 鼓励学生沉浸在社区服务项目中,对社会产生积极影响。10.Immerse in the world of Chinese martial arts to cultivate discipline, focus, and physical fitness. 沉浸在中国武术的世界中,培养纪律、专注和身体健康。11.Explore the wonders of traditional Chinese medicine to immerse i


