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[db:作者] 高三试卷 2021-09-10 08:19:57 0





(2Besides, we also shared ideas about the books to read, thengot the ones we were interested in

结尾句:① We believed that we all benefited from the activityand it served as a stage for young people to find their books and meetnew friends with the same interest2We have all benefited from the activity and through it, wecan find the books we like and make new friends with the same阅读下文.回答问题. 浔阳江头夜送客.枫叶获花秋瑟瑟.主人下马客在船.举酒欲饮无管弦.醉不成欢惨将别.别时茫茫江浸月. 忽闻水上琵琶声.主人忘归客不发.寻声暗问弹者谁.琵琶声停欲语迟.移船相近邀相见.添酒回灯重开宴.千呼万唤始出来.犹抱琵琶半遮面.转轴拨弦三两声.未成曲调先有情.弦弦掩抑声声思.似诉平生不得志.低眉信手续续弹.说尽心中无限事.轻拢慢捻 题目和参考答案Interest

One possible version

       Book Exchange on CampusA book-exchange activity was held last Friday afternoon on theplayground with the aim of inspiring an interest in reading amongstudents on campusMore than 1 000 students took part in the activity. We broughtour books along for exchanging with others. We also shared ideasabout the books to read and then got the ones we favoredWe believed that we all benefited from the activity and it servedas a stage for young people to find their books and meet 下列语句中加粗的“以为 的用法.分类正确的一项是 [ ]①以为桂林.象郡②铸以为金人十二③临不测之渊.以为固④自以为关中之固.金城千里⑤若舍郑以为东道主⑥民生各有所乐兮.余独好修以为常A.①②⑤相同.③④⑥不同.B.①⑤⑥不同.②③④相同.C.①②⑥相同.③④⑤不同. D.①②③不同.④⑤⑥相同. 题目和参考答案new friendswith the same interest

下列各组词语中.只有一个错别字的一组是 A.愧疚 必须品 防微杜渐 额手称庆 B.搜寻 吊胃口 炙手可热 按捺不住 C.剽悍 金刚钻 始作俑者 不明就理 D.撮合 板着脸 破涕为笑 奉为圭臬 阅读下面这首诗.完成问题. 溪居[唐]柳宗元久为①簪组累.幸此南夷谪.闲依农圃邻.偶似山林客.晓耕翻露草.②夜榜响溪石.来往不逢人.长歌楚天碧. [注]①簪组:这里是做官的意思.②夜榜:夜里行船. 1.这首诗塑造了一个怎样的人物形象? 2.沈德潜评价这首诗说,“不怨而怨. 请简要分析.

