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[db:作者] 高三试卷 2022-02-02 10:03:24 0 趣找答案



23. What is the author's recommen d way to eat according to the text?
A. Indoor dining?
B Outdoor dining.
C. Eating alone.
D. Hotel dining.
B My wife and I felt settled in the United Kingdom, for we,d bought a house 6 months earlier.
However, our lives changed when our daughter was born. We wondered whether we should move back to Brazil. In our native country, we'd be closer to our family and culture. As a mathemati-cian, it was also easier for my wife to imagine doing her work in Brazil. But here, I had the fun ding and lab resources I needed for my research program.
Several events over the next few months pushed us further in the same direction. We heard at new professor positions had opened up at a university in our hometown, in departments that matched both of our research programs. Then, a few weeks later, I received a call fi rom my brother, who told me that our father had passed away. The great happiness suddenly gave way to a deep sadness. I felt that I was losing precious time with my loved ones



