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2022届衡中同卷 调研卷T(新高考) 英语(二)2试题

[db:作者] 高三试卷 2022-03-03 07:00:59 0 衡中同卷

2022届衡中同卷 调研卷T(新高考) 英语(二)2试题,下面是2022届衡中同卷 调研卷T(新高考) 英语(二)2试题部分示例,验证如下:

2022届衡中同卷 调研卷T(新高考) 英语(二)2试题

26. What can be inferred about the author from paragraph 3?
A. He wishes to spend the happy hours forever?
B. He regrets the hours he spent on his work?
C. He wants to finish his own mission on Earth?
D. He thanks his father for his wisdom to him.

27. What does the passage try to convey?
A. Everyone should live with his family forever?
B. It's quite normal not to show your regrets to your family?
C. Everyone should care for the loved ones during their last time
D. It's always better to show your great love to your loved ones?

C A positive mindset means that you have a positive expectation that things will turn out well and that you will succeed. It gives you more courage to try and stick with diet and lifestyle changes than if you have a negative mindset. "How can I do that? "you might be asking. Here's how to live a powerfully positive life

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