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天一大联考 2022届高三年级单元测评卷(七)7英语试题

[db:作者] 高三试卷 2022-03-10 18:16:28 0 天一大联考

天一大联考 2022届高三年级单元测评卷(七)7英语试题,下面是天一大联考 2022届高三年级单元测评卷(七)7英语试题部分示例,验证如下:

天一大联考 2022届高三年级单元测评卷(七)7英语试题

2. What can we know about the book The Perfect Tree?
A. It is about the friendship between animals and humans?
B. It educates people to ignore some wonders in life.
C. It reminds us lo value the friendship with nature.
D. It evaluates the important elements in space

3. What do the four books have in common?
A. They are about family life?
B. They are written by teen writers.
C. They are suitable for children to read?
D? They published for a month

以上就是天一大联考 2022届高三年级单元测评卷(七)7英语试题的图片版和文字版资源验证,关注"趣找答案",获取更多"天一大联考"资源


