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第二节Paragraph 1: Hearing this,Alex hurried to the salvage station.There he told Nick what had happened and howmuch the box he carelessly sold would mean tohim.Deeply touched,Nick returned the box.Alexopened it and was shocked by the gifts he foundinside.There were clothes,Christmas decorationsand toys,a little New Year tree,and some food.Then Alex immediately ran towards the abandonedhouse with the box.

Paragraph 2:

Alex was moved by what Kyle and Steve didfor him.He started to change his lifestyle fromquitting drinking.Later,he got a job as a securityguard and was no longer homeless.He still smiledat whoever he met and helped people in need.Gradually,an increasing number of people learnedabout his story and offered to help Alex.Becauseof his encounter with Kyle and Steve,he was de-termined to make good use of his second chanceto be a happy man as they expected.


