
1、高考英语读后续写素材一、描写动作常用词(一)行为动作描写表示人物做出的具体行为(走、跑、跳、舞、游)walk, run, jump, dance, swim1.走 【笼统词】 walk 【具体词】 stroll, march【例】The couplestrolled (漫步)along the beach after dinner.Hemarched (行进)purposefully towards the podium.2.跑 【笼统词】run 【具体词】sprint, jog, dash, scamper【例】Shesprinted(冲刺跑)to catch the last train.
2、Hejogged(慢跑)along the beach, breathing in the fresh sea air.Hedashed(急奔)along the platform and jumped on the train.Childrenscampered(蹦蹦跳跳地跑)into the playground after class.3.跳 【笼统词】 jump 【具体词】 leap, hop, bounce, skip【例】The young girlleaped(跳过)over the small puddle.Ihopped(单脚跳)down three steps.The pu
3、ppybounced (上下蹦跳)excitedly through the park.The girls wereskipping(跳绳)inthe playground4.舞 【笼统词】 dance 【具体词】 twirl, sway【例】Theytwirled(轻快地转动)across the dance floor, lost in their own world.Sheswayed(摇摆)to the music, her eyes closed in bliss.5.游 【笼统词】swim 【具体词】 float, dive【例】A group of swansfloated(缓缓
4、飘过)by.Shedove(跳入水中)into the cool water, feeling the refreshing embrace.(二)身体动作描写表示人物身体上发生的变化(微笑、皱眉、点头、眨眼)smile, frown, nod , wink1.微笑 【笼统词】smile 【具体词】 grin, beam, smirk【例】Shegrinned(咧嘴笑)at her friend, feeling grateful for her companionship.Hebeamed(眉开眼笑)at the journalists.Hesmirked(幸灾乐祸地笑)when we to
5、ld him the bad news.2.皱眉 【笼统词】 frown 【具体词】 grimace, pout【例】Shegrimaced(龇牙咧嘴)at the bitter taste of the medicine.Like one of the kids, hepouted(噘嘴)when he did not get what he wanted.3.点头 【笼统词】 nod 【具体词】 shake, bow, tilt【例】Heshook(摇头)his head in disbelief, refusing to accept the truth.The Colonelbowed(低下头)his head and whispered a prayer of thanksgiving.Maritilted(斜着头)her head back so that she could look at him.4.眨眼 【笼统词】wink 【具体词】 blink, flutter, twinkle【例】When I told him the news hedidnt evenblink(眨眼).Shefluttered(眨眼)her eyelashesat himShe saw her mothers eyestwinkle(双眸闪闪发亮)with amusemen
1、高考英语读后续写素材一、描写动作常用词(一)行为动作描写表示人物做出的具体行为(走、跑、跳、舞、游)walk, run, jump, dance, swim1.走 【笼统词】 walk 【具体词】 stroll, march【例】The couplestrolled (漫步)along the beach after dinner.Hemarched (行进)purposefully towards the podium.2.跑 【笼统词】run 【具体词】sprint, jog, dash, scamper【例】Shesprinted(冲刺跑)to catch the last train.
2、Hejogged(慢跑)along the beach, breathing in the fresh sea air.Hedashed(急奔)along the platform and jumped on the train.Childrenscampered(蹦蹦跳跳地跑)into the playground after class.3.跳 【笼统词】 jump 【具体词】 leap, hop, bounce, skip【例】The young girlleaped(跳过)over the small puddle.Ihopped(单脚跳)down three steps.The pu
3、ppybounced (上下蹦跳)excitedly through the park.The girls wereskipping(跳绳)inthe playground4.舞 【笼统词】 dance 【具体词】 twirl, sway【例】Theytwirled(轻快地转动)across the dance floor, lost in their own world.Sheswayed(摇摆)to the music, her eyes closed in bliss.5.游 【笼统词】swim 【具体词】 float, dive【例】A group of swansfloated(缓缓
4、飘过)by.Shedove(跳入水中)into the cool water, feeling the refreshing embrace.(二)身体动作描写表示人物身体上发生的变化(微笑、皱眉、点头、眨眼)smile, frown, nod , wink1.微笑 【笼统词】smile 【具体词】 grin, beam, smirk【例】Shegrinned(咧嘴笑)at her friend, feeling grateful for her companionship.Hebeamed(眉开眼笑)at the journalists.Hesmirked(幸灾乐祸地笑)when we to
5、ld him the bad news.2.皱眉 【笼统词】 frown 【具体词】 grimace, pout【例】Shegrimaced(龇牙咧嘴)at the bitter taste of the medicine.Like one of the kids, hepouted(噘嘴)when he did not get what he wanted.3.点头 【笼统词】 nod 【具体词】 shake, bow, tilt【例】Heshook(摇头)his head in disbelief, refusing to accept the truth.The Colonelbowed(低下头)his head and whispered a prayer of thanksgiving.Maritilted(斜着头)her head back so that she could look at him.4.眨眼 【笼统词】wink 【具体词】 blink, flutter, twinkle【例】When I told him the news hedidnt evenblink(眨眼).Shefluttered(眨眼)her eyelashesat himShe saw her mothers eyestwinkle(双眸闪闪发亮)with amusemen