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[db:作者] 文档 2024-02-02 22:07:01 0


1、高考英语新闻词汇表达(一)1.Urban Hawker in Manhattan hews to the same basic design principles, with vendors along the walls and communal tables in the centre.hew to: 坚持;遵守【例】He is a politician who has always hewed closely to the party line.hew: (v.) 砍;劈;砍倒;砍成(某物或某种形状);遵从,坚持【相似表达】follow; obey; adhere to; stand b

2、y; stick to/with; cling to; abide by【延伸】hew to the line: 服从纪律hew off: 砍掉hew out: 把开采出来;开辟出hew out a career: 艰苦地开创事业hew to a principle: 坚守原则2.Bombs, terrorism and civil war used to keep Iraqis indoors.Now it is the gridlocked traffic.Commuters waste hours a day stuck in exhaust fumes.gridlocked:交通堵塞的

3、;陷入僵局的原形:gridlockn.交通全面堵塞;(政治)僵局v.交通堵塞【例】All this is a recipe for chaos and gridlock in national asylum systems.【相似表达】congestion; snarl-up; traffic jam; tailback; holdup; bottleneck; stoppage; logjam; impasse; stalemate; standstill; deadlock【延伸】be in gridlock:陷入僵局come to a deadlock/reach an impasse/

4、be locked in a stalemate:陷入僵局be in dire straits:处于水深火热之中land in trouble:陷入困境be clogged with traffic:交通堵塞3.But despite current annual oil revenues of over $100bn, Baghdads road network is all but unchanged since the 1980s.Wars, economic sanctions, corruption and neglect have gutted the transport syst

5、em.gut: 摧毁,破坏 (v.to destroy the inside of; to destroy the essential power or effectiveness of)【其余释义】n.肠道;勇气,魄力;直觉,本能;核心;(机器或设备的)内部零件;狭道v.取出的内脏(以便烹饪);毁坏(建筑物)的内部adj.感情的,本能的【例】A sudden fire gutted the building last Friday.【延伸】blind gut:盲肠gut-wrenching:极度痛苦的,撕心裂肺的gut check:肠道检查;勇气测试beer gut:啤酒肚bust a/on

6、es gut doing sth / to do sth:努力做,拼命地做某事gut course:容易的课程或工作gut it out:顽强不屈;强硬到底gut feeling:直觉4.Microsoft, which has integrated a souped-up version of the chatbot into its Bing search engine, has restricted access to the new version and set limits on how many questions users can ask it in a row.souped-up: 加强了马力的;优化的;改造的 (enhanced or increased in appeal, power, performance, or intensity)soup:n


