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百师联盟 2024届高三冲刺卷(三)3 浙江卷英语x

[db:作者] 文档 2024-02-12 23:01:32 0 百师联盟2024届高三冲刺卷3浙江卷x

百师联盟 2024届高三冲刺卷(三)3 浙江卷英语x试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于百师联盟 2024届高三冲刺卷(三)3 浙江卷英语x得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


百师联盟 2024届高三冲刺卷(三)3 浙江卷英语x试卷答案


百师联盟 2024届高三冲刺卷(三)3 浙江卷英语x

2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答,Suddenly, a strong voice came from that homeless person. ____________________Joy asked me to wait for her for a minute and ran to the hot dog shop. ____________________

百师联盟 2024届高三冲刺卷(三)3 浙江卷英语x

There was a 49 of Chinese racing role models, so he 50 a path of his own. A veryimportant moment in his racing life came at age 12. when he 5I Shanghai for Sheffield in theUnited Kingdom to 52 his development with the strawberry Racing Krt ing team. The move puthim on the road to achieving his ambitions.Zhou is often 53 to the former NBA player Yao Ming, w h is also a s por star from Shanghai.“Who knows, maybe in 10 years' time I could have the same 54. And that is my aim 55.he said.41.A.problem B.difference C.difficulty D.importance42.A.guessing B.controlling C.proving D.declaring43.A.reading B.playing .drivingD.swimming44.A.growing up B.getting up C.going upD.staying up45.A.simple B.inte to sting C.avalableD.popularD.examined46.A.watched B.followed C.resear oh ed47.A.lose B.stress G.developD.measure48.A.stayed B.dealt C.foughtD.taken49.A.way Black C.roleD.loss50.A.receiv od B.imagined C.composedD.created51.A.reached B.chose G.leftD.forgot52. continue B.discover C.considerD.manage53.A.matched B compared C.adaptedD.devotedD.result54.A.career B.hobby G.influence55, A.normally B.nat ut lly C.regularly D.definite lv


