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[db:作者] 文档 2024-03-02 20:01:51 0


1、“Z薮:2024届高三2月大联考(新疆专用)!英语3 本卷满分ISO分,考试时同120分件.;注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准为证号填写在答翘卡上.?2.回答选齐即时.逸出母小廖答案后,用铅罐把答圈卡上对应剧目的答案标号涂总.如3福改动,用板皮擦干冷后,用逸涂其他答案标号.回答非选择题时,将答案写在答期卡上,马 i在本试卷上无效.:3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回.:第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分);笫一节(共S小典 每小题16分,满分75分)!听下而5段对话.每段对话后有一个小购,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出役住I选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒仲的时间来回

2、答有关小题和阅读下一小烟每段对话仅1读一遍.J怨例:Ho w muc h is(he shir t?1*A.19.15.B.9.I8.C.9.I5.*答案於C.*1.What is Lil y do ing?1A Askin g(o r l eave.B.Seeing a do c l o nC.Ext ending an invit at io n.O2.Wl ic r c is(he wo man fr o m?A.Par is.Br Seo ul.C Lo ndo n.i 3.Ho w do c s St even feel al l o st?AA.Inspir ed.B.Co nfu

3、sed.C.Fmst r nl c d.I4.Whai wil l t he man do next?A.Pic k up a l eafB.Take ar t c l asses.C.Quit smo king.05.Why do c s Jo hn feel(enibl e?*VA He was il l.B.He dr ank a l o t.C.He missed wo r k.卦啾嘛卷英造笫1贝(共12页)听下印,收的毋以秋臼.修校对话必a(白后有几个小曲,从题中所绐的人 4c三个姓 项中选出版佳选项.听海庾对话双独白临 你将分时间问次多个小廖,每小题5胫刚 听完用,各小麴将给出5秒

4、仲的作答时间.你以对话成独白谀两滑.听第6段材料回答第6、7%.6.What wil l die man have?A So up.B.Co ke.7.Wher e do c s t he c o n ver sat io n pr o babl y t ake pl ac e?A.At a sho p.B.At a r c st n ur n n L听第7段材料,回答第8、9段.8.Why do c s t he man have t o mo ve?A.The r en t is t o o higl i.B.The pl ac e is t o be so l d.9.What do c

5、 s die man wan t(he wo man t o do?A.Fin d a ho t el fbr him.C Juic e.C.At ho me.C.The pl ac e is t o o n o isy.B.Hel p his par en t s pac k.C.Lo o k a Her his peL听第8段材料,回答第10至12场.10.Who is pr o babl y t he wo man?A.A ho st ess.B A wr it er.|1.What mo de Phil ips wan t t o be a wr it er?A.His t eac h

6、er s en c o ur agemen t.B.A bo o k wr it t en by S.E.Hin t o n.C.His wo r k exper ien c e al a par t y.12.Ho w do c s Phil ips usual l y fin d in spir at io n?A.By r eadin g c l assic s.B.By meet in g peo pl e.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13.Who t is t l ic pr o babl e r el at io n ship bet ween(he speaker s?A.Cl assmat es.B.Bo ss and empl o yee.C.A t c ac hc nC.By st ar t in g wr it in g.C.Teac her an d st uden t14.Why do c s Hen r y wan t(o st ar t a busin ess?A.He wo n t s fr eedo m a(wo r k.B.He is un a


