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[db:作者] 文档 2024-05-14 22:05:38 0


1、高考英语申请信写作指导申请信在高考英语作文中是一种常见的书信类型,通常用于申请工作、实习、奖学金或学校项目等。申请信应当明确表达申请的目的,并提供支持申请的相关信息。一、常用句型【开头部分】1.I am writing to apply for.- Example: I am writing to apply for the position of research assistant at your laboratory.- 翻译:我写信是为了申请贵实验室的研究助理职位。2.I would like to apply for.- Example: I would like to apply

2、for a scholarship to study abroad.- 翻译:我想申请出国留学的奖学金。3.I am interested in.- Example: I am interested in joining your companys internship program.- 翻译:我对加入贵公司的实习计划感兴趣。4.I would like to express my interest in.- Example: I would like to express my interest in becoming a member of your club.- 翻译:我想表达我对成为

3、您俱乐部成员的兴趣。5.This letter is to apply for.- Example: This letter is to apply for a transfer to another department.- 翻译:这封信是为了申请转到另一个部门。【过渡句型】1.In addition, .- Example: In addition, I have relevant experience in the field.- 翻译:此外,我在该领域有相关经验。2.Moreover, .- Example: Moreover, I have a strong academic bac

4、kground in this area.- 翻译:此外,我在这个领域有强大的学术背景。3.Furthermore, .- Example: Furthermore, I have excellent communication and teamwork skills.- 翻译:此外,我具备出色的沟通和团队合作能力。4.I have taken courses in.- Example: I have taken courses in business and management, which have equipped me with the necessary skills.- 翻译:我

5、参加了商务和管理课程,这让我掌握了必要的技能。5.I have completed an internship at.- Example: I have completed an internship at a local marketing agency, where I gained practical experience.- 翻译:我在一家本地市场营销公司完成了一次实习,在那里我获得了实践经验。【结尾部分】1.Thank you for considering my application.- 翻译:感谢您考虑我的申请。2.I look forward to hearing from

6、you soon.- 翻译:我期待很快收到您的回复。3.If you need any additional information, please let me know.- 翻译:如果您需要任何额外信息,请告诉我。4.Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.- 翻译:如果您有任何问题,请随时联系我。5.I would be happy to attend an interview.- 翻译:我很高兴能参加面试。二、写作模版Introduction:- Begin with a formal greeting and state the position or program you are applying for.- Mention why you are intere


