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[db:作者] 文档 2024-05-17 14:03:14 0 2024届四川省高三5月联考x






3.What does the man suggest the woman do on Mother's Day?A.Eat out. B.Stay in. C.Goto the movies.


Most of us are afraid to fail. Our fear of failure is n’t 41. From a n early age, we weresurrounded by people who value 42. Parents tell us to bring home A's. 43 teach us to gofor the gold, not the silver or bronze. And on social media, people share only the coolest part oftheir lives. Usually they keep their 44 to themselves.What'sso bad about being afraid to fail? It might seem like a “win at everything”attitudewould 45 you to success. In reality, it can 46 hold you back. For example, many peopleget one bad grade on an algebra(代数) test and 47 they are not smart enough for math.According to experts, that is a 48 way to think. They say failing is good for you. Itteaches you to 49 a task even when it gets hard. The ability to do this is called grit(毅力) .To people with grit, failure is not a reason to give up. It is a chance to 50. There is oneplace where failure is surely 51:technology companies. Tech leaders often gather for eventscalled Fail Cons. They learn from ideas that didn't work.“Sometimes things just don’t go as52 , ”says the Fail Cons website.“But that doesn't mean you should stop trying.”That message 53 to a man named Evan Williams. In 2005 he developed an APP calledOdeo. Not many people used it. It was a big 54 , but Williams was n't upset. 55, helearned from his mistakes and kept working hard. A few years later, he helped create one of thebiggest social media sites ever: Twitter.41.A.familiar B. surprising C.meaningful D understandable42.A. perfection B.friendship C.creativity D education43.A. Competitors B.Judges C.Coaches D.Organizers44.A. examples B.courses C. struggles D.secrets45.A.invite B.attach C.comp are .lead46.A. temporarily B.barely C.narrowly D.seriously47.A.deny B.decide C. predict D.report48.A; wrong B.proper C.typical D.unique49.A.stick with B.give up C.depend on D.break down50.A. participate B.connect Cl improve D.share51.A.avoided B.ignored C.valued D/measured-52.A. suggested B.offered C.ordered D.planned53.A.related B.applied C.switched D.objected54.A.hit B.disappointment C.relief D. reminder


