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[db:作者] 文档 2024-05-19 06:02:52 0


1、According to Mwakiremba,one of their collectors has been一二豆to put one of his kids through college;others even have been able to一二工一land.Th。一二豆effects can also be seen in the一二立一“We aim to recycle a million flip-flops per year,recycle over one tonne of plastic a month,and save over five hundred trees

2、 a year.,”也e company states on its website.“We一豆豆 over I 0-15%of our profit to beach cleanup and spend another 10%on other public welfare and charity,like educational programs and conservation efforts.”41.A.neverB.rarelyC.oftenD.sometimes42.A.desertedB.buriedC.boughtD.collected43.A.toolsB.toysC.artD

3、.energy44.A.trashB.fishC.sandD.plastic45.A.explanationB.但yC.testD.life46.A.communitiesB.schoolsC.banksD.hospitals47.A.beganB.spreadC.continuedD.changed48.A.WonderingB.IgnoringC.ImaginingD.Realizing49.A.requiredB.encouragdC.beggedD.allowed50.A.add toB.mix withC.tum intoD.exchange for51.A.exhibitedB.d


5、orary59.A.environmentB.indus位yC.fashionD.technology60.A.gain B.oweC.contributeD.lend第二节共10小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Facial recognition technology,61 has been widely used in identifying an individuals identity,is now moving beyond human f&ces.At a digi臼l monitoring center of

6、 the Yellow River Delta national nature reserve in Dongying,Shandong province,a variety of data is o矶display on a large screen,showing the real-time situations of 一(it)biodiversity.In the past,由e vast nature reserve with a diverse bird population 63(pose)lots of challenges for scientists m忧郁king由ebiodiversity and conducting on-site monitoring.Today staff members 刨出e reserve can monitor and record the b1od1vers1ty si阳ation in real time 64(simple)也rough an 英语试题第9页共10页)intelligent monitoring platform.T


