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[db:作者] 文档 2024-05-19 20:02:56 0


1、高考英语阅读理解常考核心词汇练习班级 考号 姓名 总分 (心理类)一、选择填空 (10题)The child was _ (frighten) by the loud noise and started to cry.After years of hard work, she finally _ (achieve) her dream of becoming a doctor.I _ (apologize) for being late, but the traffic was terrible._ (accord) to the research, meditation can help r

2、educe stress and anxiety.She is a very _ (ambition) person and always sets high goals for herself.He was _ (anger) by the unfair treatment he received.I _ (admire) her courage and determination.The _ (arrive) of the guests created a lively atmosphere.She _ (attempt) to solve the puzzle, but it was t

3、oo difficult.He _ (admit) that he had made a mistake.二、用所给词的适当形式填空 (10题)The teacher was very _ (patience) with the slow learners.The _ (destroy) of the rainforest is a serious environmental problem.He _ (eventual) found a job that he enjoyed.She is _ (anxiety) about her upcoming presentation.The mov

4、ie was _ (enjoy) and thought-provoking.He is a _ (skill) carpenter and can build anything.The children were _ (excite) about going to the zoo.He _ (decision) to quit his job and start his own business.She _ (application) for a scholarship to study abroad.The scientist made several important _ (disco

5、ver).三、完成句子 (10题)我對她的慷慨感到驚訝。I was _ _ her generosity.他因粗心而受到惩罚。He was _ _ his carelessness.我尽力让她改变主意。I made every _ to _ her mind.他们对这个问题意见一致。They are in _ _ this issue.他渴望得到父母的认可。He is _ _ his parents approval.这消息使我们大家都很震惊。The news _ us all.她把一生都奉献给了教育事业。She _ her life _ education.他因勇敢而受到嘉奖。He was _ for his _.这个项目需要巨大的努力。This project _ _ effort.她为迟到找了个借口。She made an _ for being l


