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[db:作者] 文档 2024-05-24 14:53:16 0 神州智达河北省2024高考临考信息卷x






26.What happened to the author when he met the owner of the last house?A. He was so spec h less with astonishment.B. He was looked down upon by the owner.C. He was scared by the owner's appearance.D. He forgot his speech for selling doughnuts.


阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Hi folks,As you know, I'ma great fan of the Chinese actor Stephen Chow, and recently I watched his____movie A Chinese Odyssey Part 2: Cinderella again.For those 56 aren't familiar with the________movie, it focuses 57 the stories of the Monkey King, who is in charge of protecting a monk____________on a journey 58 (find) Buddhist scriptures (佛经) . In this movie, the Monkey King gains a________deeper understanding of love and 59 (responsible) . Seeing the movie again 60 ________(make) me want to learn more about the original story of the Monkey King. I got 61 copy________of it from the library and now I'm halfway through reading it. As it turns out, he is the main character____ ____in a novel 62(call) Journey to the West. Indeed, the Monkey King is one of the oldest andbest-loved fictional characters in China, and he 63 (consider) a superhero.________In many ways, the movie is quite different from the novel. It is a moder retelling of the novel thatincludes time travel and a tragic love story. The novel, on the other hand, is full of poetry, Buddhist____philosophy, and all kinds of crazy 64 (adventure) ! Once I've finished the book, I will write____________another post to tell you 65 (much) about this classic Chinese story.


