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[db:作者] 文档 2024-05-27 06:04:29 0


1、高考英语读后续写微技能一、Choose Accurate Verbs用精准动词代替笼统动词general words(笼统词)concrete words(具体词)walktiptoe(蹑手蹑脚地走)rundash/rush(猛冲)lookglance (瞥见) glare (怒视) stare (凝视)say/talkchat (闲聊)whisper (耳语)cryweep/ sob (啜泣)eatbite (咬) chew(咀嚼) swallow (吞下)感知:结合语境,如何优化表达?(用上面表格中的具体词代替划线词,注意时态)1.Because of his lies, shelooke

2、dat him.Because of his lies, sheat him.2 With only twenty seconds left, Iranto the line.With only twenty seconds left, Ito the line.3.With only two minutes left, heatehis meal.With only two minutes left.Heup his meal.4.She heard her mothersayquietly as shewalkeddownthe hall, Dont wake your dad up.Sh

3、e heard her motheras shedown the hall, Dont wake your dad up. 二、Choose proper phrases用恰当短语代替普通动词Start/beginget down to doingdecidemake up ones mindcryburst into tearsrememberkeep.in mindtiredworn outseecatch sight ofattractappeal to三、加介词短语/副词修饰动作The fierce wolf stared at Mac with itsteeth.(adv), he

4、jumped off the bicycle and dashed into the car.As the hungry wolf was almost reaching him, Macs eyes were wide open_.(in/with+名词)四、分解动作,形成动作链Action chains1.构造动作链句式一主语+V1+V2andV3(三个并列谓语,动作依次发生,注意时态一致)【示例】“这个歌手唱歌”想一想:歌手唱歌前面或后面会有哪些动作?细化动作扫视观众深吸一口气开始演唱The singerglancedat the audience,tooka deep breathan

5、dbeganto sing.歌手瞥一眼观众,深呼吸一下,就开始唱起来。【练习1】“男孩们跳入湖中嬉戏”细化动作_翻译:The boysrushedexcitedly to the lake,took offtheir clothes andjumped intothe water.【练习2】“她抱住儿子”细化动作_翻译:她冲向前,跳起来,紧紧地抱住儿子。(dash/rush, jump up, hug tightly/gathersbintoonesarms)【练习3】“我早上匆忙去上学”_(穿外套+抓起书包+冲去学校)翻译:我赶紧穿上外套,抓起书包,冲去学校。(put on, grab-grabbed抓, rush to school)Iput onmy coa


