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[db:作者] 文档 2024-05-29 15:05:16 0 2224年安徽九年级学业冲刺战x





Onabe of her hands could not move. At her school the teachers would think it was an achievement 43 shewof le to put on her own coat. But I saw more in her. She had always wanted to put a s trng (线) 44the holka key.For the 5 years Nancy was in the school, the teachers always 45 to help her, but always ended up d ningoften failed and got very 46. Some tiall the work for her. I knew Nancy could do more, so I encouraged her to do something herself. At first Nane46 .Sometimes I wanted to give up, too. However, after a week Nancy was ablewhat she had wanted to do alone for so many years. Her teachers cried with 47 when they saw the thing s hwas able to do.Dis alabled people should 48 be told they can’t do this o that. With just some encouragement they ado it. The 49on that girl's face when she was able to do it herself meant the sun to me. I hope everyone wiencourage people to do all they want by themselves 50 telling them they c lo it.( ) 41. A. readB. study C.work D. visit( ) 42. A. wait forB. look after C. depend on D.think about( )43.A. ifB.until G. since D.before( ) 44.A. intoB.over C. acrossD. through( ) 45. A. failed B.tried C. agreedD. refused( ) 46. A. excited B.pleased C.lonelyD. unhappyD. danger( ) 47. A. joyB.careC.fearD. sometimes( ) 48.A.oftenB. always C.neverD.spirit( ) 49.A. painB.lookC.signD. together with( ) 50.A.except forB.because ofC. instead of


2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。To my surprise, they started comforting me.____________After school, I waited for my mother to pick me up at the school gate.________


