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[db:作者] 文档 2024-05-29 20:03:26 0


1、高考英语读后续写开心描写素材一、基础表达1.Her heartsoared withjoy,as ifit could take flight and dance among the clouds.(她的心随着喜悦飞翔,仿佛能够飞上云端与云共舞。)2.Hefelt an overwhelming sense ofelation, as if he were standing on the summit of a mountain, looking down at the world below.(他感到一种难以抑制的兴奋,就像站在山顶上俯瞰世界。)3.The newsbrought a bur

2、st ofhappiness thatradiated fromher likethe warm glowof the sun.(这个消息带来了一阵幸福,像太阳的温暖光芒一样从她身上散发出来。)4.Shewas bubbling over withexcitement, herlaughter ringing out like a chorus of bells.(她兴奋得快要溢出来,她的笑声像一串串铃铛般响起。)5.His spiritsliftedlike a kite soaring high in the sky,untethered and free.(他的精神振奋,像风筝一样在天空

3、中高飞,无拘无束,自由自在。)6.Her eyessparkled withdelight, each twinklea testament toher joy.(她的眼睛闪烁着喜悦,每一次闪烁都是她快乐的证明。)7.A wave of euphoriawashed overhim, leaving him feeling as if he couldconquerthe world.(一阵狂喜席卷了他,让他感觉仿佛能够征服世界。)8.Shefelt a surge ofhappiness that was as sweet as the finest chocolatemeltingon h

4、er tongue.(她感到一股幸福涌上心头,就像最精致的巧克力在舌尖融化一样甜美。)9.His laughter wasinfectious, spreading joylike ripples in a pond.(他的笑声具有感染力,像池塘中的涟漪一样传播着快乐。)10.Her smilestretched from ear to ear, abeaconof pure delight.(她的笑容从耳朵延伸到耳朵,是纯粹喜悦的灯塔。)11.The room was filled with ajubilantenergy that wasas bright as the morning s

5、un.(房间充满了一种欢乐的能量,明亮如同早晨的太阳。)12.His heartswelled with pride and joy, an emotion so strong it was almosttangible.(他的心充满了骄傲和喜悦,这种情感如此强烈,几乎可以触摸得到。)13.Her excitement waspalpable, a tangible force that filled the air.(她的兴奋感是显而易见的,一种充满空气的有形力量。)14.He wason cloud nine, his minda whirlwind ofecstaticthoughts.

6、(他高兴得如在九霄云外,他的思绪如同狂喜的旋风。)15.The thrill of victorysent shivers of joy down her spine, each onea reminder ofher triumph.(胜利的激动让她的脊背发抖,每一次颤抖都是她胜利的提醒。)二、高级表达1.Elationcoursed throughherveins, asymphonyof joy thatresonated withevery fiber of her being.(喜悦在她血管中流淌,成为一曲与她存在的每一个纤维共鸣的快乐交响乐。)2.Aneffervescentjoybubbled up withinhim, as if champagne had been poured into his he


