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[db:作者] 文档 2024-06-02 20:04:25 0


1、高考英语读后续写高频主题分类指导(个人成长感悟)1(2023山东临沂统考一模)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写一段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。Palm trees seemed to speed by the car window.Eight-year-old Katrina began to get nervous, the way she always did in new surroundings.She felt a thin shine of sweat above her lip in spite of the cars cool air.“The aquarium wo

2、nt be crowded, I bet, and people are gonna notice me.I hate wearing this prosthesis leg (假肢).” She felt tears pinprick behind her eyes.“Not being normal is the worst.”Entering the Clearwater Marine Aquarium, around a comer of a tank, she noticed an animal that looked unusual.“Is that a dolphin with

3、stump (假肢) instead of a tail?” she asked an aquarium staff.He nodded.“Yes, thats Winter.Shes a very special dolphin.” “What happened to her?” “This girl dolphin was found off the coast of Florida, caught in a crab trap.The ropes from the trap cut off the blood circulation to her tail.So she lost her

4、 tail,” Katrina caught her breath.“Shes just like me.Shes just like me.” “But she struggled to survive.Now she wears a prosthetic tail part of the day to help her swim like a dolphins supposed to swim.” the staff continued, “Every day, Winter shows us anything is possible if we believe.”Katrina felt

5、 her heartstring was touched.She waved at Winter.Looking at Katrina, Winter raised her flipper (鳍), came to her and lifted her head.“Shes swimming right into my arms,” Katrina said tearfully.They made eye contact.She seemed to be speaking to Katrina: Were the same.Back home, all Katrina talked about

6、 was Winter.For two weeks, she cried and begged her mother to take her back to Clearwater.Unfortunately, another blow hit Katrina.She fell on the hardwood floor at home and broke her other leg.Katrina was in constant leg nerve pain.After a through examination, the doctor explained bad news that she would need another surgery on her leg.Years of a living hell came back to her.She started fearing surgery again and refused to take any.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式在


