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[db:作者] 文档 2024-06-04 22:03:19 0


1、高考英语读后续写素材一、修辞手法1.暗喻 (Metaphor)Example 1Her heart was a fragile glass, easily shattered by the weight of sorrow.她的心像易碎的玻璃,轻易被悲伤的重压击碎。Example 2The truth was a sharp knife that cut through the layers of deception.真相是一把锋利的刀,切开了欺骗的层层面纱。仿写他们的爱是无尽的海洋,深邃无垠,他们在这里找到了慰藉。Their love was an endless ocean, deep a

2、nd boundless, where they found solace.2.拟人 (Personification)Example 1The silence of the night wrapped its arms around the sleeping town, holding it close.夜晚的寂静拥抱着沉睡的小镇,紧紧地将它抱在怀里。Example 2The wind whispered through the ancient ruins, telling tales of a bygone era.风在古老的废墟中低语,讲述着逝去时代的故事。仿写太阳沉入地平线,向这一天投

3、下温暖的告别。The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm goodbye to the day.3.排比 (Parallelism)Example 1He lived to create, to inspire, to leave a legacy that would outlive his years.他活着是为了创造,为了激励,为了留下超越他岁月的遗产。Example 2They danced through the streets, they sang to the stars, they dreamed of a brighter

4、 tomorrow.他们在街道上跳舞,向星星歌唱,梦想着更加明亮的明天。【提示】不同于汉语排比句,英语排比可以多个动词、名词等并列。仿写她寻求知识、智慧和理解,旨在丰富她的灵魂。She sought knowledge, wisdom, and understanding, aiming to enrich her soul.4.夸张 (Hyperbole)Example 1Ive crossed oceans and climbed mountains to find you.为了找到你,我跨越了海洋,攀登了山峰。Example 2Her voice could wake the dead

5、with its powerful resonance.她的声音有着强大的共鸣,足以唤醒死者。仿写他愿意走到地球的尽头,只为有机会看到她的微笑。He would walk to the ends of the earth for a chance to see her smile.5.反语 (Irony)-用强烈的对比讽刺Example 1What a perfect day to get stranded in the wilderness!多么完美的一天,竟然被困在荒野中!Example 2Its so refreshing to be lost in a maze of paperwor

6、k.沉浸在一堆文件中,真是令人神清气爽。仿写多么愉快,又一个不眠之夜,用来数绵羊。How delightful, another sleepless night spent counting sheep.6.对比 (Juxtaposition)Example 1The laughter of children playing in the park contrasted sharply with the sorrowful news on the newsstand.孩子们在公园玩耍的笑声与报摊上的悲伤新闻形成了鲜明的对比。Example 2Beneath the rough exterior of the soldier was a heart full of compassion and love.在士兵粗糙的外表下,是一颗充满同情和爱的心。仿写宁静的湖水是动荡天空的镜子,在


