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[db:作者] 文档 2024-06-06 06:00:35 0


1、高考英语读后续写金句一、趣事篇 (一)【精彩句子】1.We all jumped to our feet, dancing and screaming with joy.我们都高兴得跳了起来,又跳又叫。2.So nervous was he that he dropped the electric carving knife.他太紧张了,把电切肉刀弄掉了。 3.Blushing scarlet instantly, she felt embarrassment almost wreathed her entirely.她立刻涨红了脸,感到尴尬几乎把她整个包围起来。4.They shrugged

2、 and grinned, which dissipated all her distress and consoled her.他们耸了耸肩,咧着嘴笑,这就驱散了她的一切烦恼,给了她安慰。5.Though I was dissatisfied with my ugly gesture and stupid image, I was satisfied with the happiness and fun that I brought to others.虽然我不满意我丑陋的姿态和愚蠢的形象,但我很满意我给别人带来的快乐和乐趣。【精美语段】(2021年1月浙江卷范文首段) I was stuc

3、k for about 5-6min though it felt much longer.The passing-away minutes witnessed my embarrassment.If only I had never forced my head in out of curiosity.Jason, aware of something wrong happening, rushed to dad for help.Meanwhile, I was sparing every effort to make my head out.Dad came to the spot, p

4、aralyzed but then burst into laughter.He attempted to pull me out but in vain.After what seemed a century, he broke the pumpkin with a sharp knife carefully.To my great anxiety, I could breathe the fresh Halloween air.However, what surprised me most was that my beloved mom should film all the things

5、! 我被困了大约5-6分钟,尽管感觉时间更长。随着时间的流逝,我感到十分尴尬。要是我从来没有出于好奇而强迫自己进去就好了。杰森意识到出事了,急忙跑去找爸爸帮忙。与此同时,我竭力地把头探出来。爸爸来到现场,虽然全身瘫软,但突然大笑起来。他试图把我拉上来,但没有成功。似乎过了一个世纪,他用一把锋利的刀子小心翼翼地把南瓜弄碎了。让我非常焦虑的是,我可以呼吸到万圣节的新鲜空气。然而,最让我惊讶的是,我亲爱的妈妈竟然把这一切都拍下来了! (二)【精彩句子】1.I nodded, with a big smile spreading across my cheek. 我点点头,脸上露出灿烂的笑容。2.Ev

6、ery time we mentioned the funny incidents of the journey a pleasant smile would spread over Moms face.每次我们提到旅途中的趣事,妈妈的脸上就会浮现出愉快的笑容3.The policeman smiled, “Im sorry to tell you that you are in New York, but not in Rome now.”警察微笑着说:“我很遗憾地告诉你,你现在在纽约,而不是在罗马。”4.However, Mr.Scottie was still in doubt, not believing what he was told.然而,斯科特先生仍然心存疑虑,不相信他被告知的事情。5.“Look!” said Mr.Scottie to the policeman sitting beside him.“Im sure that Im in Rom


