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阅读下面短文,从每题所给的AB,C,D四个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。Daniel a first grader, was dealing with severe emotional and behavioral problems. In theclassroom, he would 41 and throw things. Johnny Luz it a no knew his son Daniel was n’tlearning and that he was making it harder to learn for other students as well. So Lu zita no wasprepared for the worst when showing up for a meeting with Daniel's teacher Schiano-Oliver atArmin Jahr Elementary to 42Daniel’s problems. Luz it a no said, “I was expecting her tosay You’re going to have to find a(n) 43 school.’and in an unfriendly way, 44moving Daniel out of the school.”But when Schiano-Oliver met Luz it a no, she had aa 45message: She wasn’t 46Daniel.“This is going to be OK and we're going to get throughthis, ”she said to Luz it a no.Schiano-Oliver started a behavior plan for Daniel. She taught him sign language and gavehim 47 to touch her shoulder while teaching as a 48 tha t he needed immediateattention. They created 49 signals that allowed the r to communicate with each other____during lessons without 50 the other students. And, they connected over bugigs(小昆虫)a 51 of Daniel that Schiano Oliver was able to make use of to get him to do writingassignments and other academic tasks he 52 with. Months later, she changed Daniel tothe point where she no longer had to send daily behavior reports to his parents.DDaniel is now in second grade at Armin Jahr Elementary and he’s 53 a guest inSchiano-Oliver's class. He continues to be 54 by a reward system that allows him to55 her once his homework is completed and, on some days, he even helps her teach herfirst-grader children.41.A. listen B.draw C.sleep D.shout42. A. discus B.avoid C.express D.report43.A.independent B.foreign C.public D.alternative44. A. risk B.stop C.recommend D.regret45.A. strange B.different a ool ls C. newD.clear46.A. giving up B.looking down onC. picking on D. losing sight of47. A. courage B.permission C.confidence D.opportunity48.A.reason B.proof C.sign D.fact49. A. secrett B.wrong C.weak D.positiveW ak50.A. hurting B.scaring C.disappointingD.disturbing51. A. pity B.love C.worry D.shame52.A.struggled B.agreed C.met D.began53. A.rarely B.occasionally C.frequently D.merely54.A.protected B.bothered D.motivated


56.在西方,人们通常会立即打开一个礼物。In the West, people usually open a gift ____ right now____57.离开教室前,请确保你关了灯。Please make sure____that you turn off the lights before leaving the classroom.____58.安娜的父母时不时的给她一个惊喜。Anna’s parents give her a surprissefrom time to time 染对我们的健康有害。59.空气污 air pollutionn____is harmful for our health.


