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[db:作者] 文档 2024-06-20 10:00:19 0


1、高考英语否定形式一、完全否定英语中的完全否定可以用not, no, never, none, nobody, nothing, neither.nor, nowhere等表示。如:1.Nothing is difficult for him. 没什么难得到他。2.Mary never has beef. 玛丽从来不吃牛肉。3.Neither answer is correct. 两种答案都不对。二、部分否定英语中表示“全体”意义的代词, 形容词或副词。如:all, both, altogether, always, completely, every day, everyone, everyt

2、hing, everywhere, every, everybody, many, often等与not搭配时,通常表示部分否定,意思是“并非都是”“不完全是”“不是每个都是”等。例如:1.Not everyone was amused by these April Fools jokes. 并不是每个人都觉得这些玩笑有趣。2.Food likes and dislikes do not always seem related to nutrition. 对食物的好恶似乎并不总与营养有关。比较:Nothing makes him happy.(全部否定)没有哪一件事情让他开心。 Not eve

3、rything makes him happy.(部分否定)并不是每一件事都让他开心。None of the students went to visit the science museum last week.(完全否定)上周没有一个学生去参观科技博物馆。 Not all of the students went to visit the science museum last week.(部分否定)上周并不是所有的学生都去参观了科技博物馆。三、几乎否定(半否定)一些半否定词表否定之意。他们不可再与否定词连用,他们与谓语肯定式连用,构成几乎否定句。如:hardly, scarcely, s

4、eldom, little, few等词。例如:1.I could hardly hear what he said. 我几乎没听见他说了什么。2.There is little water in the bottle, isnt there? 瓶子里几乎没有水,不是吗?四、转移否定转移否定,即句中的否定虽然出现在谓语部分,否定范围却不在主句谓语动词本身,而转移到了句子中的宾语、状语或其他成分上。这种形式在初中比较常见的有以下两种情况:1.转移否定多用于表思维活动如:believe(相信), expect(期望), hope(希望), imagine(想象), think(认为)等。例如:I

5、dont think he will pass the exam.我认为他考试会不及格的。2.主句的谓语动词是表感觉的系动词,通常也用于转移否定句这类动词有:seem(好像), feel(感觉), appear(出现), look like(看起来像)等。例如:It doesnt look like its going to rain.=It looks like it isnt going to rain. 好象不会下雨。No matter how hard he studies, he never seems to be able to pass the exam. 不管他多么努力的学习,

6、他似乎永远也考不及格。五、运用某些结构表达否定意义1.too.to 太而不能He is too tired to walk. 他太累了,走不动了。2.more A than B(与其B不如A)或more than +含有can的从句The young man is more brave than wise. 这年轻人有勇无谋。The gratitude for your help is more than I can exspanss.对于你给我的感激之情我无法言表。3.prefer to do sth rather than do sth 宁愿(喜欢)而不愿,例如:He spanfers to write his letters rather than dictate them. 他喜欢自己写信而不愿口授自己的信。六、运用含否定意义的词或词组表否定意义1.动词短语表否定意


