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[db:作者] 文档 2024-07-15 12:00:30 0


1、高考英语情态动词用法一、情态动词can和could用法1.表示“能力”时,can表示现在的能力,could表示过去的能力。Susan isnt very good at maths, but she can speak English very well.苏珊并不擅长数学,但是她的英语说得很好。We could go there this summer. 今年夏天我们可能要去那儿。2.表示“推测”时,can常用于否定句中,cant表示“不可能”。could表“推测”时,比can的可能性要小。Mr. Black cant be at homehe has gone to America.布莱克先

2、生不可能在家他去美国了。Even experienced teachers can make mistakes.即使是有经验的教师也可能出错。3.表示“请求”或“许可”时,通常用于疑问句中;could表“请求”时比can更委婉。Could/Can you pick me up at the airport? 你能去机场接机好吗?Yes. I can. 好的,可以。4.could have done表示“本可以做某事”;couldnt have done表示“不可能做了某事”。You could have helped him. 你本来应该帮助他的。She cant have finished

3、the work. 她不可能完成了那份工作。5.be able to do表示“能够做某事”,不能与 can连用,但有更多时态。Im sure you will be able to look after yourself.我相信你会照顾你自己的。I havent been able to sleep very well recently. 最近我总是睡不好。二、情态动词may和might用法1.may和might可用于肯定句中表“许可”,用在疑问句中表示“请求”。She said I might call her at the weekend.她说我可以周末给她打电话。May I borro

4、w the car tomorrow?明天我能借用下车吗?2. might表“推测”时,可能性比may的可能性小。He may/might know the answer. 他可能知道答案。He may/might not believe you. 他可能不会相信你。3. may/might well do sth很可能, may/might as well do sth.不妨。Her appearance has changed so much that you might well not recognize her.她的模样变化如此大,你很可能认不出她了。You might as wel

5、l give him the letter.你不妨把信给他。4.“May you+动词原形”表示祝愿。May you succeed! 祝你成功!May all your dreams come true! 祝你所有的梦想都实现!5.may/might have done表示“可能已经做了某事”,但是把握不大。She may have read it in the papers. 她可能在报上已读到过此事。It was really very dangerous. I might have killed myself. 那真的是太危险了,我差点没命了。三、情态动词must和have to用法1

6、.must表示“必须”,强调说话人的主观态度,否定式为mustnt,意为“不允许,禁止。Everyone must obey the rule.人人都必须遵守制度。You must keep it a secret. You mustnt tell anyone.你必须保密,你不可以告诉任何人。2.must表示“推测”,意为“一定是,准是,只用于肯定句中。must be doing肯定正在做某事。He must be very lazy for his desk is very untidy.他肯定很懒,因为他的课桌很不整洁。Put on more clothes. You must be feeling cold with only a shirt on.多穿点儿衣服,你只穿一件衬衣,肯定觉得冷。3.must表示“偏要”,指说话人对发生的事情表示不满。Why must it rain toda


