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h?33. How does boxing affect people's mental health?A. It could overlook a sense of discipline and focus.B. It makes people too excited to ignore mental pain.C. It can relieve some of the symptoms of negative emotions.D. It can completely remove the symptoms of anxiety and depression.34.Why is boxing not just an individual sport?

In the town of Norwich, England, that is a bookshop stalled Book bugs and Dragon Tales. It opened in 2019 just months before the COVID-19 pandemic 41 . The bookshop's owners, Dan and Leanne Fridd, 42 to keep the shop open for two years before they decided they needed some 43 so they started crowdfunding(众筹).
When they saw someone had donated 5,000, they were 44 .“And we checked the name, and I guessed: Russell Crowe No, it can't be Russell Crowe.” Leanne told CBS News.
Now, they have 45 it is the real Russell Crowe —a famous actor. Dan and Leanne said the 46 from the actor helped spread the word about their shop. “People wanted to come in and the press were 47 and we were on Australian breakfast television.” Leanne said.
They may never know why Crowe 48 their business, but perhaps it's because the couple use their bookshop to help the 49 in many ways. They hold well-being 50 for adults and kids to teach them how to feel happy and healthy. They also 51 . free books to kids in need. Last year,30 kids got their books.
When asked why they used the donation money so selflessly, they said the 52 is simple. “Someone saw the 53 in us and decided to put money into our business.” Leanne said. “Thanks to their kindness, we could go through the tough days. In turn. we get to 54 it back to society through the shop.”
Next time when someone does something good for you, not only thank the person 55 , but also pass it on to someone else.
41. A. exposed B. presented C. struck D. disappeared


